pairs2: Create part of a scatterplot matrix

pairs2R Documentation

Create part of a scatterplot matrix


This function is similar to the pairs function, but instead of doing all pairwise plots, it takes 2 matricies or data frames and does all combinations of the first on the x-axis with the 2nd on the y-axis. Used with pairs and subsets can spread a scatterplot matrix accross several pages.


pairs2(x, y, xlabels, ylabels, panel = points, ..., row1attop = TRUE, gap = 1)



Matrix or data frame of variables to be used as the x-axes.


Matrix or data frame of variables to be used as the y-axes.


Labels for x variables (defaults to colnames of x).


Labels for y variables (defaults to colnames of y).


Function to do the plotting (see pairs).


additional arguments passed to graphics functions


Logical, should the 1st row be the top.


Distance between plots.


This functios is similar to the pairs function, but by giving it 2 sets of data it only does the combinations between them. Think of it as giving the upper right or lower left set of plots from pairs. If a regular scatterplot matrix is too small on the page/device then use pairs on subsets of the data to get the diagonal blocks of a scatterplot matrix and this function to get the off diagonal blocks.


This function is run for the side effect of the plot. It does not return anything useful.


Large amounts of the code for this function were blatently borrowed/stolen from the pairs function, the credit for the useful parts should go to the original authors, blame for any problems should go to me. This function is also released under GPL since much of it comes from GPL code.


Greg Snow,

See Also

pairs, splom in the lattice package


pairs2(iris[,1:2], iris[,3:4], col=c('red','green','blue')[iris$Species])

# compare the following plot:
pairs(state.x77, panel=panel.smooth)

# to the following 4 plots

pairs(state.x77[,1:4], panel=panel.smooth)
pairs(state.x77[,5:8], panel=panel.smooth)
pairs2( state.x77[,1:4], state.x77[,5:8], panel=panel.smooth)
pairs2( state.x77[,5:8], state.x77[,1:4], panel=panel.smooth)

TeachingDemos documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:59 a.m.