Man pages for TestDesign
Optimal Test Design Approach to Fixed and Adaptive Test Construction

a_to_alphaCalculate alpha angles from a-parameters
buildConstraintsBuild constraints (shortcut to other loading functions)
calcEscore-methodsCalculate expected scores
calcFisher-methodsCalculate Fisher information
calcHessian-methodsCalculate second derivative of log-likelihood
calc_info(C++) For multiple items, calculate Fisher information
calc_info_EBCalculate the Fisher information using empirical Bayes
calc_info_FBCalculate the Fisher information using full Bayesian
calcJacobian-methodsCalculate first derivative of log-likelihood
calc_likelihood(C++) For multiple items, calculate likelihoods
calcLocation-methodsCalculate central location (overall difficulty)
calcLogLikelihood-methodsCalculate log-likelihood
calc_MI_FBCalculate the mutual information using full Bayesian
calc_posteriorCalculate a posterior value of theta
calc_posterior_functionCalculate a posterior distribution of theta
calc_posterior_singleCalculate a posterior value of theta for a single item
calcProb-methodsCalculate item response probabilities
checkConstraintsCheck the consistency of constraints and item usage
constraint-classClass 'constraint': a single constraint
constraints-classClass 'constraints': a set of constraints
constraints-operatorsBasic operators for constraints objects
createShadowTestConfigCreate a config_Shadow object
createStaticTestConfigCreate a config_Static object
dataset_bayesBayes dataset
dataset_fatigueFatigue dataset
dataset_readingReading dataset
dataset_scienceScience dataset
detectBestSolverDetect best solver
eap-methodsCompute expected a posteriori estimates of theta
e_item(C++) Calculate expected scores
find_segment(C++) Classify theta values into segments using cutpoints
getSolutionAttributesRetrieve constraints-related attributes from solution
getSolution-methodsPrint solution items
h_item(C++) Calculate second derivative of log-likelihood
info_item(C++) Calculate Fisher information
iparPosteriorSampleGenerate item parameter samples using standard errors
item_attrib-operatorsBasic functions for item attribute objects
item-classesItem classes
item_pool-classClass 'item_pool': an item pool
item_pool_cluster-classClass 'item_pool_cluster': an item pool
item_pool_cluster-operatorsCreate an item pool cluster object
item_pool-operatorsBasic operators for item pool objects
j_item(C++) Calculate first derivative of log-likelihood
lnHyperParsConvert mean and standard deviation into log-normal...
loadConstraintsLoad constraints
loadItemAttribLoad item attributes
loadItemPoolLoad item pool
loadStAttribLoad set/stimulus/passage attributes
logitHyperParsConvert mean and standard deviation into logit-normal...
makeSimulationDataCache-methodsCreate a simulation data cache object
makeTestCluster-methodsCreate a test cluster object
makeTest-methodsCreate a test object
mlef-methodsCompute maximum likelihood estimates of theta using fence...
mle-methodsCompute maximum likelihood estimates of theta
output_Shadow_all-classClass 'output_Shadow_all': a set of adaptive assembly...
output_Shadow-classClass 'output_Shadow': adaptive assembly solution for one...
output_Split-classClass 'output_Split': partitioning solution
output_Static-classClass 'output_Static': fixed-form assembly solution
p_item(C++) Calculate item response probability
plot-methodsExtension of plot() for objects in TestDesign package
print-methodsExtension of print() for objects in TestDesign package
RECalculate Relative Errors
RMSECalculate Root Mean Squared Error
runAssemblyRun Test Assembly
Shadow-methodsRun adaptive test assembly
show-methodsExtension of show() for objects in TestDesign package
simResp-methodsSimulate item response data
simulation_data_cache-classClass 'simulation_data_cache': data cache for Shadow()
Split-methodsSplit an item pool into partitions
Static-methodsRun fixed-form test assembly
st_attrib-operatorsBasic functions for stimulus attribute objects
summary-classesSummary classes
summary-methodsExtension of summary() for objects in TestDesign package
test-classClass 'test': data cache for simulations
test_cluster-classClass 'test_cluster': data cache for simulations
TestDesignOpen TestDesign app
TestDesign_aliasOpen TestDesign app
test_operatorsBasic operators for test objects
testSolverTest solver
theta_EAP(C++) Calculate a theta estimate using EAP (expected a...
theta_EB(C++) Calculate a theta estimate using EB (Empirical Bayes)...
theta_FB(C++) Calculate a theta estimate using FB (Full Bayes) method
toggleConstraintsToggle constraints
TestDesign documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:19 p.m.