loadItemPool: Load item pool

View source: R/loading_functions.R

loadItemPoolR Documentation

Load item pool


loadItemPool is a data loading function to create an item_pool object. loadItemPool can read item parameters and standard errors from a data.frame or a .csv file.


loadItemPool(ipar, ipar_se = NULL, file = NULL, se_file = NULL, unique = FALSE)



item parameters. Can be a data.frame or the file path of a .csv file. The content should at least include columns 'ID' and 'MODEL'.


(optional) standard errors. Can be a data.frame or the file path of a .csv file.


(deprecated) use ipar argument instead.


(deprecated) use ipar_se argument instead.


if TRUE, item IDs must be unique to create a valid item_pool object. (default = FALSE)


loadItemPool returns an item_pool object.

  • ni the number of items in the pool.

  • max_cat the maximum number of response categories across all items in the pool.

  • index the numeric item index of each item.

  • id the item ID string of each item.

  • model the object class names of each item representing an item model type. Can be item_1PL, item_2PL, item_3PL, item_PC, item_GPC, or item_GR.

  • NCAT the number of response categories of each item.

  • parms a list containing the item object of each item.

  • ipar a matrix containing all item parameters.

  • se a matrix containing all item parameter standard errors. The values will be 0 if the argument ipar_se was not supplied.

  • raw the original input data.frame used to create this object.

See Also

dataset_science, dataset_reading, dataset_fatigue, dataset_bayes for examples.


## Read from data.frame:
itempool_science <- loadItemPool(itempool_science_data)

## Read from file: write to tempdir() for illustration and clean afterwards
f <- file.path(tempdir(), "itempool_science.csv")
write.csv(itempool_science_data, f, row.names = FALSE)
itempool_science <- loadItemPool(f)

## TestDesign 1.1.0 - Deprecated arguments
## Not run: 
loadItemPool(ipar = "ipar.csv", ipar_se = "se.csv") # is equivalent to
loadItemPool(file = "ipar.csv", se_file = "se.csv") # pre 1.1.0

## End(Not run)

TestDesign documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:19 p.m.