
Defines functions CompileDocument

Documented in CompileDocument

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#' @title Compile Document
#' @description Function that takes a set of lines, \code{x}, that represent a file or a document. And divides it in subsequent layers, structures as a list, as described on the detail section.
#' It assumes \code{x} is representing a 'LaTeX' file that can be compiled as it is before we make any modifications.
#' @inheritParams DivideFile
#' @param layersNames A character vector, with each element representating the environment name to be searched as \code{cmdName} as describe in \code{\link{FindBegin}} and \code{\link{FindEnd}}
#' @param layersCmd A character vector, with the same length as \code{layersNames}. with each element representing the environment command to be serached as \code{cmdName} as described in \code{\link{FindCommand}}.
#' @details
#' Both \code{layersNames} and \code{layersCmd} must have the same length, since for each index, \code{i}, \code{layersNames[i]} and \code{layersCmd[i]} refer to one layer of the tree structure of the document. Consequent layers must be found inside previous layers.
#' If it finds the structure of the document to not be completed, it will throw an error.
#' @return  It returns a list, with each element having a name. Recreating the tree structure identified by  \code{layersNames} and \code{layersCmd} in the text file \code{x}.
#' It first divides the document into two lists:
#' \describe{
#' \item{preamble}{Contains a character vector identifying everything before the \\begin\{document\}}
#' \item{document}{Contains the tree structure identifying the document}
#' }
#' Now, the naming convention for each layer of the document is as follows. We will use the convention \code{<layerName>},  \code{<layerCmd>}.
#'  Note the convention first, everything that it finds prior to the first environment, it throws it into a character vector that it calls \code{prior_to_<layesName>}.
#'  After the first environment \code{<layerName>} ends, it assumes that everything from that \code{\\end\{<layerName>\}} onwards corresponding to the next environment, and it will throw it to the prior part of that one.
#'  \code{post_to_<layerName>}
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{prior_to_layersName}}{Includes everything up to the first \code{\\begin\{<layerName>} without including that line}
#' \item{\code{1_<layerName>_begin_<layerName>}}{
#'   Includes the \code{\\begin\{layerName\}} for the 1st section, and everything until it finds the first \code{\\<layerCmd>}}
#' \item{\code{1_<layerName>_1_<layerCmd>}}{
#'   Includes everything from the 1\eqn{^{st}} \code{\\<layerCmd>} until the second \code{\\<layerCmd>}, without including the line in which the second command is found
#' }
#' \item{\code{1_<layerName>_2_<layerCmd>}}{
#'  Same thing... and it keeps going until the last  \code{\\<layerCmd>} is found
#' }
#' \item{\code{1_<layerName>_end_<layerName>}}{
#' It includes the \code{\\end\{<layerName>\}} for the 1st section.
#' }
#' \item{...}{
#' It then repeats the same structure for the next environment, changing the naming convention to start with 2_<...> and so on until it does the last environemt}
#' \item{\code{post_to_<layerName>}}{
#' After the last layer ends with \code{\\end\{layerName\}}, it throws the rest of the lines into this last character vector}
#' }
#' This structure is applied recursively to each \code{i_<layerName>_j_<layerCmd>} of the previous layer to find the structure for the next layer.
#' The result is a tree of lists, with names that identify the whole structure, and the ending node of each branch is always a character vector
#' \strong{IMPORTANT NOTE:} Note that this function only rearranges the lines of the document, it can't split a document between a line. So if you want to make sure something always stays together, put them both in the same line. This is intentional, to force a more clear structure on the document that will be parsed
#' In Summary, the sketch of the tree structure would be:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item preamble
#'   \item Document
#'         \itemize{
#'         \item prior_to_LayerName[1]
#'         \item 1_layerName[1]_begin_layerName[1]
#'         \item 1_layerName[1]_1_layerCmd[1]
#'              \itemize{
#'              \item prior_to_LayerName[2]
#'              \item 1_layerName[2]_begin_layerName[2]
#'              \item 1_layerName[2]_1_layerCmd[2]
#'                   \itemize{
#'                   \item Continues...
#'                   }
#'              \item 1_layerName[2]_2_layerCmd[2]
#'                   \itemize{
#'                   \item Continues...
#'                   }
#'              \item ...
#'              \item  post_to_layerName[2]
#'              }
#'         \item 2_layerName[1]_begin_layerName[1]
#'         \item 2_layerName[1]_1_layerCmd[1]
#'              \itemize{
#'              \item ...
#'              }
#'        \item ...
#'        \item n_layerName[1]_end_layerName[1]
#'        \item  post_to_layerName[1]
#'         }
#' }
#' If a  \code{\\<layerCmd>} is not found inside an environment, everything inside that environment is thrown into the begin_layerName part and instead of the numbered environments, an empty character list is added in the middle, with name \code{empty_<layerCmd>} section.
#' @seealso \link{FindStructure} for more information on the details of how the layers are found.
#' @keywords internal
#' @family Structuring Document
CompileDocument <- function(x, layersNames, layersCmd) {
    .Call('_TexExamRandomizer_CompileDocument', PACKAGE = 'TexExamRandomizer', x, layersNames, layersCmd)

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TexExamRandomizer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:12 a.m.