
Defines functions plot.Tinflex plot.TinflexC

Documented in plot.Tinflex plot.TinflexC

##  Plot hat and squeeze.

plot.TinflexC <- function(x, from, to, is.trans=FALSE, n=501, ...) {
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## S3 method for plotting class 'TinflexC'.
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    genX <- Tinflex.C2R(x)
    plot.Tinflex(genX, from, to, is.trans, n, ...)

}  ## -- end of plot.Tinflex() -- ##

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------

plot.Tinflex <- function(x, from, to, is.trans=FALSE, n=501, ...) {
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## S3 method for plotting class 'Tinflex'.
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ##   x        ... S3 object of class 'Tinflex'
    ##   from, to ... range over which the function will be plotted
    ##   is.trans ... whether transformed scale is used
    ##   n        ... number plot points
    ##   ...      ... graphical parameters
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ## Check arguments.
    if (missing(from) || missing(to)) {
        stop ("argument 'from' or 'to' is missing, with no default")
    ## Get parameters for hat and squeeze.
    ivs <- x$ivs
    n.ivs <- ncol(ivs)-1
    ## Plot (transformed) pdf.
    if (isTRUE(is.trans)) {
        Tpdf <- function(z) { Tf(x$lpdf, ivs["c",1], z) }
        plot(Tpdf, from=from, to=to, n=n, col="blue", ...)
    else {
        pdf <- function(z) { exp(x$lpdf(z)) }
        plot(pdf, from=from, to=to, n=n, col="blue", ...)
    ## Plot hat and squeeze.
    ## The graphs are plotted piecewise for each of the intervals.
    for (i in 1:n.ivs) {
        ## Create x values.
        xb <- c(ivs["x",i],ivs["x",i+1])
        xb <- pmax(xb, from)
        xb <- pmin(xb, to)
        n <- max(10, floor(500*(xb[2]-xb[1])/(to-from)))
        h <- (0:n)/n
        x <- (1-h)*xb[1]+h*xb[2]
        ## Plot (piece of) squeeze.
        squeeze <- function(z) { ivs["sq.a",i] + ivs["sq.b",i]*(z-ivs["sq.y",i])}
        if (! (is.na(ivs["sq.a",i]) || is.na(ivs["sq.a",i]))) {
            if (isTRUE(is.trans)) {
                y <- squeeze(xb)
                lines(xb,y, col="darkgreen", lwd="2")
            else {
                y <- Tinv(ivs["c",i], squeeze(x))
                lines(x,y, col="darkgreen", lwd="2")
        ## Plot (piece of) hat.
        hat <- function(z) { ivs["ht.a",i] + ivs["ht.b",i]*(z-ivs["ht.y",i]) }
        if (isTRUE(is.trans)) {
            y <- hat(xb)
            lines(xb,y, col="red", lwd="2")
        else {
            y <- Tinv(ivs["c",i], hat(x))
            lines(x,y, col="red", lwd="2")
}  ## -- plot.Tinflex() -- ##

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Tinflex documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:20 p.m.