Man pages for Tmisc
Turner Miscellaneous

addinsInsert text at current position.
are_all_equalAre all equal?
cornerPrint the top left corner of a data frame
counts2fpkmFragments per kilobase per million
dokuwikiCreate tables in dokuwiki format
ellipsesTruncate a data frame with ellipses.
fisherpFisher's method to combine p-values.
gghuesEmulate ggplot2 default hues
gg_naPlot missing data
grapes-like-grapesx like y
grapes-nin-grapesx not in y
grapes-nlike-grapesx not like y
gt2refaltTwo-letter genotype from VCF GT
jsdJensen-Shannon divergence
lmpLinear model p-value
lowestnonzeroLowest nonzero values
lsaImproved list of objects
mat2dfMatrix to pairwise data frame
nnGet names and class of all columns in a data frame
oOpen the current working directory on mac
peekPeek at the top of a text file
pipePipe operator
quartetAnscombe's Quartet data (tidy)
read.cbRead from the clipboard
saveitRename objects while saving.
sicbWrite sessionInfo to the clipboard
strSortSort characters in a string
TcolsA palette of 17 diverging colors
ThistHistograms with overlays
Tmisc-packageTmisc: Turner Miscellaneous
TpairsBetter scatterplot matrices.
Tmisc documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 1:07 a.m.