Defines functions TLSW

Documented in TLSW

#' @title Estimate Trend and Spectrum of Trend Locally Stationary Wavelet Process
#' @description Using wavelet-based methods, this function estimates the trend and evolutionary
#' wavelet spectrum (EWS) of a nonstationary time series.
#' Two methods are implemented (see references), the direct estimator (\code{T.est.type="linear"} and
#' \code{S.do.diff=FALSE}), and the difference estimator (\code{T.est.type="nonlinear"}) and \code{S.do.diff=TRUE})
#' The defaults give the direct estimator.
#' All the defaults are set carefully.  Key times to change defaults are
#' \itemize{
#'    \item if the data contains "cusps", then the difference estimator is preferred.
#'    \item to assess stability of the estimate to the wavelet, change the wavelet number \code{T.filter.number} and
#'    \code{S.filter.number} and/or the wavelet type \code{T.family} and \code{S.family}, see details.
#' }
#' The arguments affecting trend are preceded by \code{T.} and those affecting spectral estimation are preceded
#' by \code{S.}.
#' @param x The time series you wish to analyse.
#' @param do.trend.est Logical variable, indicating whether trend estimation is to be performed on the time series.
#' @param do.spec.est Logical variable, indicating whether spectral estimation is to be performed on the time series.
#' @param T.est.type String indicating type of wavelet thresholding used. Can be \code{"linear"} (default), which means
#' that all non-boundary wavelet coefficients are set to zero, or \code{"nonlinear"}, where
#' each wavelet coefficient is thresholded using a time-varying, noise-dependent threshold.
#' @param T.filter.number The index number for the wavelet used for trend estimation.
#' @param T.family The family of the wavelet used for trend estimation.
#' @param T.transform String giving the type of wavelet transform used for trend estimation.
#' Can be \code{"dec"}, in which case a standard (decimated) wavelet transform is used, or \code{"nondec"} (default),
#' in which case a nondecimated transform is used.
#' @param T.boundary.handle Logical variable, if \code{TRUE}, the time series is
#' boundary corrected when estimating the trend.
#' @param T.max.scale Integer variable, selects the number of scales of the wavelet transform to
#' apply thresholding to for trend estimation.
#' @param T.thresh.type String variable, used only if \code{T.est.type = "nonlinear"}; the type of
#' thresholding function used in the trend estimation. Can be
#' \code{"soft"} or \code{"hard"} (default).
#' @param T.thresh.normal Logical variable, used only if \code{T.est.type = "nonlinear"};
#' if \code{TRUE}, uses a threshold assuming the data are normally
#' distributed. If \code{FALSE}, uses a larger threshold to reflect non-normality.
#' @param T.CI Logical variable. If \code{TRUE}, a \code{(1-T.sig.lvl)} pointwise confidence interval is
#' computed for the trend estimate. When \code{T.transform = "dec"} and \code{T.est.type = "linear"}, this is
#' computed using the asymptotic distribution of the trend estimator.
#' Otherwise, it is computed via bootstrapping.
#' @param T.sig.lvl Used only if \code{T.CI = TRUE}; a numeric value
#' (\code{0 <= T.sig.lvl <= 1}) with which a \code{(1-T.sig.lvl)} pointwise
#' confidence interval for the trend estimate is generated.
#' @param T.reps Used only if \code{T.transform = "nondec"} and  \code{T.CI = TRUE}; the number of bootstrap
#' replications used to calculate the confidence interval.
#' @param T.CI.type Used only if \code{T.transform = "nondec"} and \code{T.CI = TRUE}; the type of confidence
#' interval computed. Can be \code{"percentile"}, in which case empirical percentiles are used, or
#' \code{"normal"} (default), in which case the (symmetric) normal approximation is used.
#' @param T.lacf.max.lag Used only if \code{T.est.type = "linear"} and  \code{T.CI = TRUE};
#' the maximum lag of the autocovariance to compute needed for calculating the asymptotic confidence interval.
#' @param S.filter.number The index number for the wavelet used for spectrum estimation.
#' @param S.family The family of the wavelet used for spectrum estimation.
#' @param S.smooth A logical variable to indicate whether smoothing is performed on the wavelet periodogram.
#' @param S.smooth.type String indicating which type of smoothing to use on wavelet periodogram.
#' Can be one of
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{"mean"}: (default) running mean smoother.}
#' \item{ \code{"median"}: running median smoother.}
#' \item{\code{"epan"}: Epanechnikov kernel smoother.}
#' }
#' @param S.binwidth The bin width of the smoother used to smooth
#' the raw wavelet periodogram.
#' @param S.max.scale The coarsest wavelet scale used to estimate the spectrum.
#' Should be a positive integer less than \eqn{J}, where \eqn{n=2^J} is the length of the
#' time series.
#' @param S.boundary.handle Logical variable, if TRUE, the time series is
#' boundary corrected, to get a more accurate spectrum estimate at the
#' boundaries of the times series. If FALSE, no boundary correction is applied.
#' Recommended to use TRUE.
#' @param S.inv.mat The user can pre-calculate and supply the appropriate
#' correction matrix used to correct the raw wavelet periodogram. If left blank,
#' then the correction matrix is calculated when performing spectral estimation.
#' @param S.do.diff Logical variable, indicating if the time series is to be
#' differenced before spectral estimation is performed.
#' @param S.lag The lag of differencing used, only applicable if \code{S.do.dif = TRUE}.
#' @param S.diff.number The number of differencing operations performed,
#' only applicable if \code{S.do.diff = TRUE}. A first difference is strongly recommended as default.
#' @param gen.filter.number The index number for the wavelet that generates the
#' stochastic component of the time series. For the "DaubExPhase" family, the filter number can be between
#' 1 to 10. For the "DaubLeAsymm" family, the filter number can be between 4 to 10.
#' Recommended to leave as the default, set to the same as \code{S.filter.number}.
#' @param gen.family The family of the generating wavelet. It is recommended to
#' use either the Daubechies Extremal Phase family, or the Daubechies Least
#' Asymmetric family, corresponding to the "DaubExPhase" or the "DaubLeAsymm"
#' options. Recommended to leave as the default, set to the same as \code{S.family}.
#' @return An object of class \code{"TLSW"}, a list that contains the following components:
#'    \item{x}{Input data}
#'    \item{do.spec.est}{Input parameter, logical variable specifying if spectral estimation was performed.}
#'    \item{spec.est}{A list object, returned if \code{do.spec.est = TRUE}. Contains relevant input parameters
#'    and the following fields related to the spectrum estimate:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{S}: The evolutionary wavelet spectral (smoothed and corrected) estimate of the input data. This object is of
#' class wd and so can be plotted and printed in the usual way using wavethresh
#' functionality.
#' \item \code{WavPer}: The raw wavelet periodogram of the input
#' data. The EWS estimate (S, above) is the smoothed corrected version of this raw
#' wavelet periodogram.
#' \item \code{SmoothWavPer}: The smoothed, but uncorrected raw
#' wavelet periodogram of the input data.
#' }
#' }
#'    \item{do.trend.est}{Input parameter, logical variable specifying if trend estimation was performed.}
#'    \item{trend.est}{A list object, returned if \code{do.trend.est = TRUE}. Contains relevant input parameters
#'    and the following fields related to the trend estimate:
#'    \itemize{
#' \item \code{T}: A vector of length \code{length(x)} containing the trend estimate.
#' \item \code{lower.CI}: Returned if \code{T.CI = TRUE}. The lower limit of the pointwise confidence interval.
#' \item \code{upper.CI}: Returned if \code{T.CI = TRUE}. The upper limit of the pointwise confidence interval.
#'    }}
#' @details
#' The fitted \emph{trend LSW process} \eqn{X_{t,n} }, \eqn{t = 0, \ldots , n-1}, and \eqn{n = 2^J} is
#'  a doubly-indexed stochastic process with the following representation in the mean square sense:
#'  \deqn{X_{t} = T_t + \varepsilon_t = T_t + \sum_{j = 1}^{\infty} \sum_{k \in \mathbb{Z}} w_{j,k;n} \psi_{j,k} (t) \xi_{j,k} ,}{X_{t} = T_t + epsilon_t = T_t + sum_{j = 1}^{infty} sum_{k \in Z} w_{j,k;n} psi_{j,k} (t) xi_{j,k},}
#'  where \eqn{\{\xi_{j,k} \}} is a random, uncorrelated, zero-mean orthonormal increment sequence,
#'  \eqn{\{w_{j,k;n} \}} is a set of amplitudes, and \eqn{\{\psi_{j, k} \}_{j,k}} is a set of discrete
#'  non-decimated wavelets.  The trend component \eqn{T_t := T(t/n)} is assumed to be a general smooth (Holder)
#'  continuous function. See the referenced papers for full details of the model.
#'  The key considerations for users are:
#'  \itemize{
#'    \item The model assumes smooth trend and spectral components.  The larger the \code{T.filter.number}
#'    the smoother the assumption on the underlying trend and similarly for \code{S.filter.number} and the
#'    spectral estimate.
#'    \item The choice of wavelet (smoothness assumption) does affect the estimation so one should check the
#'    robustness of their conclusions to the choice of wavelet (\code{T.filter.number} and \code{S.filter.number}).
#'    This is akin to selecting the kernel in nonparametric modelling.
#'    \item The underlying methods are designed for signals of length \eqn{n=2^J} and so modifications
#'    are made to signals which are not of this form.  A natural approach is to extend the data (at both ends)
#'    and the default approach does this by reflection with a trend correction to avoid discontinuities.
#'  }
#' @references McGonigle, E. T., Killick, R., and Nunes, M. (2022a). Trend
#' locally stationary wavelet processes. \emph{Journal of Time Series
#' Analysis}, 43(6), 895-917.
#' McGonigle, E. T., Killick, R., and Nunes, M. (2022b). Modelling
#' time-varying first and second-order structure of time series via wavelets
#' and differencing. \emph{Electronic Journal of Statistics}, 6(2), 4398-4448.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.TLSW}}, \code{\link{summary.TLSW}}, \code{\link{print.TLSW}}, \code{\link[wavethresh]{wd}}, \code{\link[locits]{ewspec3}}
#' @examples
#' # simulates an example time series and estimates its trend and evolutionary wavelet spectrum
#' spec <- matrix(0, nrow = 10, ncol = 2^10)
#' spec[1, ] <- seq(from = 1, to = 10, length = 1024)
#' trend <- sin(pi * (seq(from = 0, to = 4, length = 1024)))
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- TLSWsim(trend = trend, spec = spec)
#' plot.ts(x)
#' x.TLSW <- TLSW(x)
#' summary(x.TLSW)
#' plot(x.TLSW) # by default plots both the trend and spectrum estimates
#' @export
TLSW <- function(x, do.trend.est = TRUE, do.spec.est = TRUE,
                 T.est.type = "linear", T.filter.number = 4,
                 T.family = "DaubExPhase", T.transform = "nondec",
                 T.boundary.handle = TRUE, T.max.scale = floor(log2(length(x)) * 0.7),
                 T.thresh.type = "hard", T.thresh.normal = TRUE,
                 T.CI = FALSE, T.sig.lvl = 0.05, T.reps = 200,
                 T.CI.type = "normal",
                 T.lacf.max.lag = floor(10 * (log10(length(x)))),
                 S.filter.number = 4, S.family = "DaubExPhase", S.smooth = TRUE,
                 S.smooth.type = "mean",
                 S.binwidth = floor(6 * sqrt(length(x))),
                 S.max.scale = floor(log2(length(x)) * 0.7),
                 S.boundary.handle = TRUE, S.inv.mat = NULL,
                 S.do.diff = FALSE, S.lag = 1, S.diff.number = 1,
                 gen.filter.number = S.filter.number, gen.family = S.family) {
  stopifnot("Both the do.spec.est and do.trend.est parameters have been set to FALSE,
            at least one should be TRUE." = do.spec.est == TRUE || do.trend.est == TRUE)
  stopifnot("The parameter T.thresh.type must be either 'hard' or 'soft'." = T.thresh.type == "hard" || T.thresh.type == "soft")

  if (do.trend.est == TRUE && do.spec.est == FALSE && (T.est.type == "nonlinear" || T.CI == TRUE)) {
    do.spec.est <- TRUE
    warning("Spectral estimate is needed for trend estimation. Setting do.spec.est = TRUE.")

  if (is.null(S.inv.mat)) {
    supply.inv.mat <- FALSE
  } else {
    supply.inv.mat <- TRUE

  if (do.spec.est == TRUE) {
    if (S.do.diff == TRUE) {
      x.spec <- ewspec.diff(
        x = x, lag = S.lag, filter.number = S.filter.number,
        family = S.family, binwidth = S.binwidth, diff.number = S.diff.number,
        max.scale = S.max.scale, S.smooth = S.smooth,
        boundary.handle = S.boundary.handle, AutoReflect = FALSE,
        supply.inv.mat = supply.inv.mat, inv.mat = S.inv.mat
    } else {
      x.spec <- ewspec.trend(
        x = x, gen.filter.number = gen.filter.number,
        gen.family = gen.family, an.filter.number = S.filter.number,
        an.family = S.family, binwidth = S.binwidth,
        max.scale = S.max.scale, S.smooth = S.smooth,
        boundary.handle = S.boundary.handle,
        supply.inv.mat = supply.inv.mat, inv.mat = S.inv.mat,
        smooth.type = S.smooth.type
  } else {
    x.spec <- NULL

  if (do.trend.est == TRUE) {
    if (T.est.type == "linear") {
      x.trend <- wav.trend.est(
        x = x, filter.number = T.filter.number,
        family = T.family, max.scale = T.max.scale,
        transform.type = T.transform,
        boundary.handle = T.boundary.handle, T.CI = T.CI,
        sig.lvl = T.sig.lvl, lag.max = floor(10 * (log10(length(x)))),
        confint.type = T.CI.type, spec.est = x.spec
    } else {
      x.trend <- wav.diff.trend.est(
        x = x, spec.est = x.spec, filter.number = T.filter.number,
        family = T.family, max.scale = T.max.scale,
        transform.type = T.transform,
        thresh.type = T.thresh.type, normal = T.thresh.normal,
        boundary.handle = T.boundary.handle, T.CI = T.CI,
        reps = T.reps, sig.lvl = T.sig.lvl, confint.type = T.CI.type
    x.trend$T.est.type <- T.est.type
    x.trend <- x.trend[names(x.trend) != "x"]

  if (do.spec.est == TRUE && do.trend.est == TRUE) {
    out <- list(x = x, do.spec.est = do.spec.est, spec.est = x.spec, do.trend.est = do.trend.est, trend.est = x.trend)
  } else if (do.trend.est == FALSE) {
    out <- list(x = x, do.spec.est = do.spec.est, spec.est = x.spec, do.trend.est = do.trend.est)
  } else {
    out <- list(x = x, do.spec.est = do.spec.est, do.trend.est = do.trend.est, trend.est = x.trend)

  class(out) <- "TLSW"

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