
Defines functions TileBM

TileBM <- function(BestMatches, Lines, Columns){
# TiledBestMatches=TileBM(BestMatches)
# Tiles a set of bestmatches, as given by ReadBM()
#BestMatches: The bestmatches, as given by ReadBM(), a n by 3 Matrix with BMKey, x and y coordinates of the n bestmatches in the corresponding columns
#Lines, Columns: The dimensions of the SOM-Matrix to which the BestMatches correspond
#TiledBestMatches: n*4 by 3 Matrix, containing the BestMatches in tiled format, meaning four times the BestMatches
# author Raphael Paebst (@Florian: achtung Funktion pruefen)
# 1.Editor: MT
# the first n rows contain the normal BestMatches, the second n rows contain the BestMatches, with 'x' increased by the number of columns, the third n rows contain BestMatches with 'Y' increased by the number of rows and 
# the fourth n rows contain BestMatches with both 'x' and 'y' increased, thus creating four tiles with BestMatches
    TiledBestMatches <- rbind(BestMatches, cbind(BestMatches[,1], (BestMatches[,2]+Lines), BestMatches[,3]), cbind(BestMatches[,1:2],(BestMatches[,3]+Columns)), cbind(BestMatches[,1],(BestMatches[,2]+Lines),(BestMatches[,3]+Columns))) 
# adding Columns, Lines and Columns and Lines to 'x', 'y' and 'X' and 'Y'
  if (ncol(as.matrix(BestMatches))==2){
    #warning('Number of Rows is not 3, generating Key')
    TiledBestMatches <- rbind(BestMatches, cbind(BestMatches[,1], (BestMatches[,2]+Lines), BestMatches[,3]), cbind(BestMatches[,1:2],(BestMatches[,3]+Columns)), cbind(BestMatches[,1],(BestMatches[,2]+Lines),(BestMatches[,3]+Columns))) 
  stop('Error: Number of Rows is not 2 or 3, nothing could be done')
return(TiledBestMatches = TiledBestMatches)

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Umatrix documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:36 a.m.