Attribute Plots

For all examples the movies data set contained in the package will be used.

library(UpSetR); library(ggplot2); library(grid); library(plyr)
movies <- read.csv( system.file("extdata", "movies.csv", package = "UpSetR"), header=T, sep=";" )

attribute.plots Parameter Breakdown

The attribute.plots parameter is broken down into 3 fields: gridrows, plots, and ncols

Additional: to add a legend of the queries, use query.legend = "bottom" (see Example 2).

Example 1: Built-In Attribute Histogram

Example of how to add built-in histogram attribute plot. If is not specified as black, elements contained in black intersection size bars will be represented as gray in attribute plots.

upset(movies, = "black", queries = list(list(query = intersects, params = list("Drama"), active = T)), attribute.plots = list(gridrows = 50, plots = list(list(plot = histogram, x = "ReleaseDate", queries = F), list(plot = histogram, x = "AvgRating", queries = T)), ncols = 2))

Example 2: Built-In Attribute Scatter Plot

Example of how to add built-in attribute scatter plot. If not specified as black, elements contained in black intersection size bars will be represented as gray in attribute plots.

notice the use of query.legend

upset(movies, = "black", queries = list(list(query = intersects, params = list("Drama"), color = "red", active = F), list(query = intersects, params = list("Action", "Drama"), active = T), list(query = intersects, params = list("Drama", "Comedy", "Action"), color = "orange", active = T)), attribute.plots = list(gridrows = 45, plots = list(list(plot = scatter_plot, x = "ReleaseDate", y = "AvgRating", queries = T), list(plot = scatter_plot, x = "AvgRating", y = "Watches", queries = F)), ncols = 2), query.legend = "bottom")

Example 3: Creating a Custom Attribute Plot

Contents of aes_string() along with the scale_color_identity() function are required to pass in aesthetics and to make sure the correct colors are applied. A plot.margin of c(0.5,0,0,1) is recommended.

myplot <- function(mydata,x,y){
    plot <- (ggplot(data = mydata, aes_string(x=x, y=y, colour = "color")) + geom_point() +    scale_color_identity() + theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0), "cm")))

another.plot <- function(data, x, y){
  data$decades <- round_any(as.integer(unlist(data[y])), 10, ceiling)
  data <- data[which(data$decades >= 1970), ]
  myplot <- (ggplot(data, aes_string(x=x)) + 
               geom_density(aes(fill=factor(decades)), alpha = 0.4)
             +theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0,0,0,0), "cm"), legend.key.size = unit(0.4,"cm")))

Example of applying the myplot custom attribute plot defined above to the data.

upset(movies, = "black", queries = list(list(query = intersects, params = list("Drama"), color = "red", active = F), list(query = intersects, params = list("Action", "Drama"), active = T), list(query = intersects, params = list("Drama", "Comedy", "Action"), color = "orange", active = T)), attribute.plots = list(gridrows = 45, plots = list(list(plot = myplot, x = "ReleaseDate", y = "AvgRating", queries = T), list(plot = another.plot, x = "AvgRating", y = "ReleaseDate", queries = F)), ncols = 2))

Example 4: Applying Everything at Once

Combining the built-in scatter plot and histogram plot with the myplot custom plot defined in the example above.

upset(movies, = "black", mb.ratio = c(0.5,0.5), queries = list(list(query = intersects, params = list("Drama"), color = "red", active = F), list(query = intersects, params = list("Action", "Drama"), active = T), list(query = intersects, params = list("Drama", "Comedy", "Action"), color = "orange", active = T)), attribute.plots = list(gridrows=50, plots = list(list(plot = histogram, x = "ReleaseDate", queries = F), list(plot = scatter_plot, x = "ReleaseDate", y = "AvgRating", queries = T),list(plot = myplot, x = "AvgRating", y = "Watches", queries = F)), ncols = 3))

Example 5: Intersection Box Plots

Box plots that show the distribution of an attribute across all intersections. Can display a maximum of two box plot summaries at once. The boxplot.summary parameter takes a vector of one or two attribute names.

upset(movies, boxplot.summary = c("AvgRating", "ReleaseDate"))

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UpSetR documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:03 a.m.