Man pages for VARDetect
Multiple Change Point Detection in Structural VAR Models

backward.selectionBackward selection function for the second screening step
BICBIC and HBIC function
block.findercluster the points by neighborhood size a_n
break.var.local.newCompute local loss function.
break.var.lpsAuxiliary function to calculate loss at the estimated change...
cv.detect.LpSSingle change point detection for low-rank plus sparse model...
cv.separatecross-validation index function, separate train and test sets
cv.tuning.selectiona function to apply cross-validation to select tuning...
detection_checkFunction for detection performance check
detect.LpSSingle change point detection for low-rank plus sparse model...
eegEEG signal data
eval_funcEvaluation function, return the performance of simulation...
f.funcMain loss function for quardratic loss
first.step.blocksblock fused lasso step (first step for BSS).
first.step.blocks.groupblock fused sparse group lasso step (first step).
first.step.detectFirst step rolling window function
fista.LpSA function to solve low rank plus sparse model estimation...
fista.nuclearA helper function for implementing FISTA algorithm to...
gradf.funcGradient function of quardratic loss
hausdorff_checkFunction for Hausdorff distance computation
lag_selectionSelect the lag of the VAR model using total BIC method
lstspMain function for the low rank plus sparse structure VAR...
nuclear.penNuclear norm penalty for low-rank component
obj.funcObjective function
plot_densityFunction to plot the sparsity levels for estimated model...
plot_grangerFunction to plot Granger causality networks
plot_matrixPlot the AR coefficient matrix
plot.VARDetect.resultPlotting the output from VARDetect.result class
predPrediction function (single observation)
pred.blockPrediction function (block)
print.VARDetect.resultFunction to print the change points estimated by VARDetect
prox.nuclear.funcProximal function with nuclear norm penalty updating
prox.nuclear.func.fLSProximal function for nuclear norm penalty
prox.sparse.funcProximal function with l1-norm penalty updating
Q.funcAn auxiliary function in FISTA algorithm
remove.extra.ptshelper function for detection check
second.step.detectBackward elimination algorithm for screening in the second...
second.step.locallocal screening step (second step).
shrinkageShrinkage function for sparse soft-thresholding
shrinkage.lrShrinkage function for low-rank soft-thresholding
simu_lstspFunction to deploy simulation with LSTSP algorithm
simu_tbssSimulation function for TBSS algorithm
simu_varGenerate VAR(p) model data with break points
sparse.penL1-norm penalty for sparse component
summary.VARDetect.resultFunction to summarize the change points estimated by...
summary.VARDetect.simu.resultA function to summarize the results for simulation
tbssBlock segmentation scheme (BSS).
third.step.exhaustive.searchExhaustive search step (third step).
weeklyweekly stock price data
VARDetect documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10 a.m.