Man pages for VdgRsm
Plots of Scaled Prediction Variances for Response Surface Designs

Borkowski2003Small Exact D-, A-, G-, and IV-Optimal Designs
cpvCuboidal Prediction Variance
fds.cubeThe Fraction of Design Space (FDS) plots for cuboidal-region...
fds.sphereThe Fraction of Design Space (FDS) plots for spherical-region...
gen.BBDBox-Behnken Designs (BBDs)
gen.CCDCentral Composite Designs
gen.FactrFactorial Designs
gen.HSCDHartley's Small Composite Designs (HSCDs)
gen.PBCDPlackett-Burman Composite Designs (Draper and Lin's Method)
gen.RoquemoreRoquemore's Hybrid Designs
gen.USDDoehlert's Uniform Shell Designs (USDs)
hyperarcs.vdgScaled prediction variance in nested cubes
spvSpherical Prediction Variance
spvcontourContour Plot of Scaled Prediction Variances
VdgRsmPlots of Scaled Prediction Variances for Response Surface...
VdgRsm documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:48 p.m.