
Defines functions divmod.vli divmod.numeric divmod.default divmod divmodbase invmod.vli invmod.numeric invmod.default invmod invmodbase powmod.vli powmod.numeric powmod.default powmod powmodbase is.even mulmod.vli mulmod.numeric mulmod.default mulmod mulmodbase submod.vli submod.numeric submod.default submod summod.vli summod.numeric summod.default summod

Documented in divmod divmod.default divmod.numeric divmod.vli invmod invmod.default invmod.numeric invmod.vli mulmod mulmod.default mulmod.numeric mulmod.vli powmod powmod.default powmod.numeric powmod.vli submod submod.default submod.numeric submod.vli summod summod.default summod.numeric summod.vli

# modular arithmetic operators

# modular sum

#' @title Basic Modular-Arithmetic Operators for vli Objects
#' @author Javier Leiva Cuadrado
#' @param x vli class object or 32 bits integer
#' @param y vli class object or 32 bits integer
#' @param mod vli class object or 32 bits integer
#' @param n vli class object or 32 bits integer
#' @return object of class vli
#' @description Basic modular-arithmetic operators for vli (Very Large Integers) objects.
#' @details The functions \code{summod}, \code{submod} and \code{mulmod} compute respectively the sum, the substraction and the multiplication of \code{x} and \code{y} under modulo \code{mod}.
#' @examples x <- as.vli("8925378246957826904701")
#' y <- as.vli("347892325634785693")
#' mod <- as.vli(21341)
#' summod(x, y, mod)
#' mulmod(x, invmod(x, n = 123), mod = 123) == 1
#' z <- divmod(x, y, mod)
#' mulmod(z, y, mod) == x %% mod
#' @name 08. Modular-arithmetic
#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @export summod
summod <- function(x, y, mod) UseMethod("summod")

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method summod default
#' @export summod default
summod.default <- function(x, y, mod) stop ("x, y and mod have to be specified as vli objects or 32 bits integers")

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method summod numeric
#' @export summod numeric
summod.numeric <- function(x, y, mod){
  if ( abs(x) < 2147483648 ) x = vliC(toString(as.integer(x)))
  else stop("The x object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( !is.vli(y) ){
    if ( is.numeric(y) & (abs(y) < 2147483648) ){
      y = vliC(toString(as.integer(y)))
    else stop("The y object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( !is.vli(mod) ){
    if ( is.numeric(mod) & (abs(mod) < 2147483648) ){
      mod = vliC(toString(as.integer(mod)))
    else stop("The mod object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( eqC(mod, .pkgenv$zero) ) stop("mod argument can not be equal to zero")
  return( divbaseC( sumC(x,y), mod)[[2]] )

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method summod vli
#' @export summod vli
summod.vli <- function(x, y, mod){
  if ( !is.vli(y) ){
    if ( is.numeric(y) & (abs(y) < 2147483648) ){
      y = vliC(toString(as.integer(y)))
    else stop("The y object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( !is.vli(mod) ){
    if ( is.numeric(mod) & (abs(mod) < 2147483648) ){
      mod = vliC(toString(as.integer(mod)))
    else stop("The mod object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( eqC(mod, .pkgenv$zero) ) stop("mod argument can not be equal to zero")
  return( divbaseC( sumC(x,y), mod)[[2]] )

# modular substraction

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @export submod
submod <- function(x, y, mod) UseMethod("submod")

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method submod default
#' @export submod default
submod.default <- function(x, y, mod) stop ("x, y and mod have to be specified as vli objects or 32 bits integers")

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method submod numeric
#' @export submod numeric
submod.numeric <- function(x, y, mod){
  if ( abs(x) < 2147483648 ) x = vliC(toString(as.integer(x)))
  else stop("The x object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( !is.vli(y) ){
    if ( is.numeric(y) & (abs(y) < 2147483648) ){
      y = vliC(toString(as.integer(y)))
    else stop("The y object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( !is.vli(mod) ){
    if ( is.numeric(mod) & (abs(mod) < 2147483648) ){
      mod = vliC(toString(as.integer(mod)))
    else stop("The mod object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( eqC(mod, .pkgenv$zero) ) stop("mod argument can not be equal to zero")
  return( divbaseC( subC(x,y), mod)[[2]] )

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method submod vli
#' @export submod vli
submod.vli <- function(x, y, mod){
  if ( !is.vli(y) ){
    if ( is.numeric(y) & (abs(y) < 2147483648) ){
      y = vliC(toString(as.integer(y)))
    else stop("The y object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( !is.vli(mod) ){
    if ( is.numeric(mod) & (abs(mod) < 2147483648) ){
      mod = vliC(toString(as.integer(mod)))
    else stop("The mod object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( eqC(mod, .pkgenv$zero) ) stop("mod argument can not be equal to zero")
  return( divbaseC( subC(x,y), mod)[[2]] )

# modular multiplication

# not for the user
mulmodbase <- function(x, y, mod){
  if ( max(c(x$length, y$length) ) < 40 ){
    return(divbaseC( ( mulC( divbaseC(x,mod)[[2]], divbaseC(y,mod)[[2]] ) ),mod)[[2]] )
    return(divbaseC( ( karC( divbaseC(x,mod)[[2]], divbaseC(y,mod)[[2]] ) ),mod)[[2]] )

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @export mulmod
mulmod <- function(x, y, mod) UseMethod("mulmod")

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method mulmod default
#' @export mulmod default
mulmod.default <- function(x, y, mod) stop("x, y and mod have to be specified as vli objects or 32 bits integers")

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method mulmod numeric
#' @export mulmod numeric
mulmod.numeric <- function(x, y, mod){
  if ( abs(x) < 2147483648 ){
    x = vliC(toString(as.integer(x)))
  else stop("The x object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( !is.vli(y) ){
    if ( is.numeric(y) & (abs(y) < 2147483648) ){
      y = vliC(toString(as.integer(y)))
    else stop("The y object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( !is.vli(mod) ){
    if ( is.numeric(mod) & (abs(mod) < 2147483648) ){
      mod = vliC(toString(as.integer(mod)))
    else stop("The mod object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( eqC(mod, .pkgenv$zero) ) stop("mod argument can not be equal to zero")
  return(mulmodbase(x, y, mod))

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method mulmod vli
#' @export mulmod vli
mulmod.vli <- function(x, y, mod){
  if ( !is.vli(y) ){
    if ( is.numeric(y) & (abs(y) < 2147483648) ){
      y = vliC(toString(as.integer(y)))
    else stop("The y object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( !is.vli(mod) ){
    if ( is.numeric(mod) & (abs(mod) < 2147483648) ){
      mod = vliC(toString(as.integer(mod)))
    else stop("The mod object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( eqC(mod, .pkgenv$zero) ) stop("mod argument can not be equal to zero")
  return(mulmodbase(x, y, mod))

# not for the user
is.even <- function(x){
  ((tail(x$value, 1)) %% 2) == 0

# modular n-th power

#not for the user
powmodbase <- function(x, n, mod){
  res = .pkgenv$one
  x = divbaseC(x, mod)[[2]]
  while( gtC(n, .pkgenv$zero) ){
    if ( !is.even(n) ){
      res = mulmodbase(res, x, mod)
    n = divbaseC(n, .pkgenv$two)[[1]]
    x = mulmod(x, x, mod)

#' @details The function \code{powmod} computes the \code{n}-th power of \code{x} under modulo \code{mod}.
#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @export powmod
powmod <- function(x, n, mod) UseMethod("powmod")

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method powmod default
#' @export powmod default
powmod.default <- function(x, n, mod) stop("x, y and mod have to be specified as vli objects or 32 bits integers")

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method powmod numeric
#' @export powmod numeric
powmod.numeric <- function(x, n, mod){
  if ( abs(x) < 2147483648 ){
    x = vliC(toString(as.integer(x)))
  else stop("The x object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( !is.vli(n) ){
    if ( is.numeric(n) & (abs(n) < 2147483648) ){
      n = vliC(toString(as.integer(n)))
    else stop("The y object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( !is.vli(mod) ){
    if ( is.numeric(mod) & (abs(mod) < 2147483648) ){
      mod = vliC(toString(as.integer(mod)))
    else stop("The mod object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( eqC(mod, .pkgenv$zero) ) stop("mod argument can not be equal to zero")
  return(powmodbase(x, n, mod))

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method powmod vli
#' @export powmod vli
powmod.vli <- function(x, n, mod){
  if ( !is.vli(n) ){
    if ( is.numeric(n) & (abs(n) < 2147483648) ){
      n = vliC(toString(as.integer(n)))
    else stop("The y object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( !is.vli(mod) ){
    if ( is.numeric(mod) & (abs(mod) < 2147483648) ){
      mod = vliC(toString(as.integer(mod)))
    else stop("The mod object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( eqC(mod, .pkgenv$zero) ) stop("mod argument can not be equal to zero")
  return(powmodbase(x, n, mod))

# modular multiplicative inverse of x in Zn:  y=x^(-1) such that x*y = 1 (mod n)

# not for the user
invmodbase <- function(x, n){
  if ( neqC( gcdbase(x, n), .pkgenv$one) ){
    stop("x and n are not coprimes so it does not exists a multiplicative inverse of x in the ring of integer modulo n")
  else  return(exteuclidbase(x, n)[[2]])

#' @details The function \code{invmod} returns the modular multiplicative inverse of \code{x} in Z\code{n}; that is,  \code{y = x^(-1)} such that \code{ x * y = 1 (}mod\code{ n)}.
#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @export invmod
invmod <- function(x, n) UseMethod("invmod")

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method invmod default
#' @export invmod default
invmod.default <- function(x, n) stop("x and n have to be specified as vli objects or 32 bits integers")

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method invmod numeric
#' @export invmod numeric
invmod.numeric <- function(x, n){
  if ( abs(x) < 2147483648 ){
    if ( x >= 0 ){
      x = vliC(toString(as.integer(x)))
    else stop("invmod is only defined for positive integer numbers")
  else stop("The first object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( !is.vli(n) ){
    if ( is.numeric(n) & (abs(n) < 2147483648) ){
      if ( n >= 0 ){
        n = vliC(toString(as.integer(n)))
      else stop("invmod is only defined for positive integer numbers")
    else stop("The second object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  else if ( n$sign == -1 ) stop("invmod is only defined for positive integer numbers")
  if ( eqC(n, .pkgenv$zero) ) stop("n can not be equal to zero")
  return(invmodbase(x, n))

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method invmod vli
#' @export invmod vli
invmod.vli <- function(x, n){
  if ( x$sign == -1 ) stop("invmod is only defined for positive integer numbers")
  if ( !is.vli(n) ){
    if ( is.numeric(n) & (abs(n) < 2147483648) ){
      if ( n >= 0 ){
        n = vliC(toString(as.integer(n)))
      else stop("invmod is only defined for positive integer numbers")
    else stop("The second object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  else if ( n$sign == -1 ) stop("invmod is only defined for positive integer numbers")
  if ( eqC(n, .pkgenv$zero) ) stop("n can not be equal to zero")
  return(invmodbase(x, n))

# modular division. divmod(x,y,mod) return z such that (y * z) % mod = x % mod

# not for the user
divmodbase <- function(x, y, mod){
  if ( neqC( gcdbase(y, mod), .pkgenv$one) ){
    stop("y and mod are not coprimes so it does not exists a multiplicative inverse of y in the ring of integer modulo mod and modular division is not defined")
  mulbaseC(invmodbase(y, mod), x) %% mod

#' @details The function \code{divmod} returns the modular division of \code{x} over \code{y}; that is, \code{z} such that \code{y * z (}mod \code{mod) = x (}mod \code{mod)}.
#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @export divmod
divmod <- function(x, y, mod) UseMethod("divmod")

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method divmod default
#' @export divmod default
divmod.default <- function(x, y, mod) stop("x, y and mod have to be specified as vli objects or 32 bits integers")

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method divmod numeric
#' @export divmod numeric
divmod.numeric <- function(x, y, mod){
  if ( abs(x) < 2147483648 ){
    x = vliC(toString(as.integer(x)))
  else stop("The x object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( !is.vli(y) ){
    if ( is.numeric(y) & (abs(y) < 2147483648) ){
      y = vliC(toString(as.integer(y)))
    else stop("The y object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( !is.vli(mod) ){
    if ( is.numeric(mod) & (abs(mod) < 2147483648) ){
      mod = vliC(toString(as.integer(mod)))
    else stop("The mod object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( eqC(mod, .pkgenv$zero) ) stop("mod argument can not be equal to zero")
  return(divmodbase(x, y, mod))

#' @rdname modarithmeticop
#' @method divmod vli
#' @export divmod vli
divmod.vli <- function(x, y, mod){
  if ( !is.vli(y) ){
    if ( is.numeric(y) & (abs(y) < 2147483648) ){
      y = vliC(toString(as.integer(y)))
    else stop("The y object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( !is.vli(mod) ){
    if ( is.numeric(mod) & (abs(mod) < 2147483648) ){
      mod = vliC(toString(as.integer(mod)))
    else stop("The mod object passed as argument is neither a vli object nor a 32 bits integer")
  if ( eqC(mod, .pkgenv$zero) ) stop("mod argument can not be equal to zero")
  return(divmodbase(x, y, mod))

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