Man pages for WaveletComp
Computational Wavelet Analysis

analyze.coherencyComputation of the cross-wavelet power and wavelet coherence...
analyze.waveletComputation of the wavelet power spectrum of a single time...
ARSimulation of an AR(p) surrogate for a given time series x
ARIMASimulation of an ARIMA(p,0,q) surrogate for a given time...
arrowPlot an arrow
COIComputation of the cone of influence
FourierRandSimulation of a surrogate for a given time series x by...
FXtrade.transactionsSeries of FX trade transactions
marriages.TurkeySeries of monthly marriages in Turkey
periodic.seriesComputation of a (deterministic) periodic time series of...
reconstructReconstruction of a (detrended) time series from output...
ridgeRidge of a wavelet power or coherence spectrum
SurrogateDataSimulation of surrogates for a given time series x, subject...
USelection2016.InstagramHourly time series of the number of candidate-related media...
WaveletCoherencyComputation of the cross-wavelet power and wavelet coherence...
WaveletComp-packageComputational Wavelet Analysis
WaveletTransformMorlet wavelet transformation of a time series
wcCross-wavelet transformation, wavelet coherence computation,...
wc.anglePlot arrows into a cross-wavelet or wavelet coherency...
wc.avgPlot cross-wavelet power averages and wavelet coherence...
wc.imageImage plot of the cross-wavelet power spectrum and wavelet...
wc.phasediff.imageImage plot of phase differences of periodic components for...
wc.sel.phasesComparison plot of phases for selected periodic components of...
weather.radiation.MannheimSeries of weather data and ambient gamma dose rate readings
wtWavelet transformation, and a simulation algorithm
wt.avgPlot of wavelet power averages across time of a single time...
wt.imageImage plot of the wavelet power spectrum of a single time...
wt.phase.imageImage plot of the phases of periodic components for a single...
wt.sel.phasesPlot phases for selected periodic components of a single time...
WaveletComp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:33 a.m.