pages_in_category: Retrieves a list of category members.

View source: R/categories.R

pages_in_categoryR Documentation

Retrieves a list of category members.


wiki_catpages retrieves a list of pages, subcategories, files or all of the above in a specified category (or series of specified categories)


  language = NULL,
  project = NULL,
  domain = NULL,
  properties = c("title", "ids", "sortkey", "sortkeyprefix", "type", "timestamp"),
  type = c("page", "subcat", "file"),
  clean_response = FALSE,
  limit = 50,



The language code of the project you wish to query, if appropriate.


The project you wish to query ("wikiquote"), if appropriate. Should be provided in conjunction with language.


as an alternative to a language and project combination, you can also provide a domain ("") to the URL constructor, allowing for the querying of non-Wikimedia MediaWiki instances.


The names of the categories you want to gather information for.


The properties you want to gather for each member of the category. Options are "title" (the name of the member, including namespace), "id" (the unique numeric identifier of the member), "sortkey" (the hexadecimal key used to sort that member within the category), "sortkeyprefix" (the human-readable sort key), "type" (whether the member is a page, a subcategory or a file) and "timestamp" (when the member was added to the category)


The type of member you're interested in returning; options are any permutation of "page" (pages), "subcat" (subcategories) and "file" (files).


whether to do some basic sanitising of the resulting data structure. Set to FALSE by default.


The maximum number of members to retrieve for each category. Set to 50 by default.


further arguments to pass to httr's GET().


Because of the way MediaWiki stores this data, both "the category you asked for doesn't exist" and "the category you asked for exists, but has no members" return in the same way.

See Also

categories_in_page for finding categories that a specified page is a member of.


## Not run: 
#Retrieve the pages in the "New Age" category on
cats <- pages_in_category("en", "wikipedia", categories = "New Age")

#Retrieve the pages in the "New Age" category on rationalwiki.
rw_cats <- pages_in_category(domain = "", categories = "New Age")

## End(Not run)

WikipediR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:01 p.m.