user_contributions: Retrieve user contributions

View source: R/user_info.R

user_contributionsR Documentation

Retrieve user contributions


Retrieves metadata associated with the most recent contributions by a specified user.


  language = NULL,
  project = NULL,
  domain = NULL,
  properties = c("ids", "title", "timestamp", "comment", "parsedcomment", "size",
    "sizediff", "flags", "tags"),
  mainspace = FALSE,
  limit = 50,
  clean_response = FALSE,



The language code of the project you wish to query, if appropriate.


The project you wish to query ("wikiquote"), if appropriate. Should be provided in conjunction with language.


as an alternative to a language and project combination, you can also provide a domain ("") to the URL constructor, allowing for the querying of non-Wikimedia MediaWiki instances.


The username of the user whose contributions you want to retrieve. Due to limitations at the API end, you can only retrieve edits for one user at a time.


The metadata you want associated with each edit. Potential metadata includes "ids" (the revision ID of the revision, which can be passed into revision_content), "title" (the name of the page that was edited), "timestamp", "comment" (the edit summary associated with the revision), "parsedcomment" (the same, but parsed, generating HTML from any wikitext in that comment), "size" (the size, in uncompressed bytes, of the edit), "sizediff" (the size delta between this edit, and the last edit to the page), "flags" (whether the revision was 'minor' or not), and "tags" (any tags associated with the revision).


A boolean flag; FALSE retrieves all of the most recent contributions, while TRUE limits the retrieved contributions to those in the 'mainspace' - in other words, edits to actual articles. Set to FALSE by default


The number of edits to be retrieved. 50 is the maximum for logged-out API users, and putting in more than 50 will generate a warning.


whether to do some basic sanitising of the resulting data structure. Set to FALSE by default.


further arguments to pass to httr's GET.

See Also

user_information for information about a specific user (or group of users), and recent_changes for non-user-specific recent actions.


## Not run: 
#Retrieve the timestamps of a user's recent contributions to the English-language Wikipedia
contribs <- user_contributions("en", "wikipedia", username = "Ironholds",
                              properties = "timestamp")

#Retrieve the timestamps of a user's recent contributions to a non-Wikimedia wiki.
rw_contribs <- user_contributions(domain = "", username = "David Gerard",
                                 properties = "ids", limit = 1)

## End(Not run)                        

WikipediR documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:01 p.m.