Man pages for WrightMap
IRT Item-Person Map with 'ConQuest' Integration

CCCfitEmpirical category characteristic curve plot for the Partial...
CQmodelConQuest Output Processing
extract.deltasExtract Master's Delta parameters from a TAM model.
fitgraphItem Fit Graphs
ICCfitEmpirical item characteristic curve plot for the Rasch Model~
item.person.dataProcessing CQmodel objects for plotting
item.sideWright Map item sides
make.deltasCalculate Master's Delta parameters.
make.thresholdsCalculate Thurstonian thresholds.
person.sideWright Map person sides
plotCIPlotting confidence intervals and DIF
ppPlotPerson probability plots
wrightMapwrightMap: item-person maps
WrightMap-packageWright Map: IRT Item-Person Map
WrightMap documentation built on June 19, 2022, 1:05 a.m.