
#' Smooth a tree skeleton
#' @param aRchi a file of class aRchi containing at least a skeleton.
#' @param niter integer. Number of iterations to perform.
#' @param th numeric. The distance threshold to correct the segments tips position.
#' @return a file of class aRchi with a smoothed skeleton
#' @export
#' @details Smooth a skeleton or a QSM by computing the distance of a node to the segment
#'          formed by its parent and child nodes of the same axis. If the distance is
#'          greater than \code{th}, the node coordinates are moved on the segment.
#'          This process is done \code{niter} times.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # import aRchi file
#' aRchi=system.file("extdata","Tree_2.aRchi",package = "aRchi")
#' aRchi = aRchi::read_aRchi(aRchi)
#' # plot original skeleton
#' plot(aRchi)
#' # smooth skeleton
#' aRchi = aRchi::smooth_skeleton(aRchi)
#' # plot smoothed skeleton
#' plot(aRchi)
#' }

           function(aRchi,niter = 1,th = 0){standardGeneric("smooth_skeleton")}
#' @rdname smooth_skeleton
#' @export

          signature = "aRchi",
          function(aRchi,niter = 1,th = 0){

            # to pass CRAN check

            if(inherits(aRchi,"aRchi")==F) stop("The provided data is not of class aRchi")

            data = aRchi@QSM

            if(!is.numeric(th)) stop("th must be numeric")
            if(!is.numeric(niter)) stop("niter must be numeric")

            for(i in 1:niter){
              #- progress
              svMisc::progress(i,max.value = niter)

              # for each axis
              for(ax in unique(data$axis_ID)){
                # rows corresponding to the target axis
                axis = which(data$axis_ID == ax)
                # correction only applies if the axis is composed of at least 2 segments
                  for(j in 2:length(axis)){
                    # computes the distance of b relative to the line ac
                    d = aRchi::dist2line(b=data[axis[j-1],c(startX,startY,startZ)],
                    # if the distance is greater than the threshold -> apply the correction
                    if(d > th){
                      # new coordinates are the mean between the extremities of the segments
                      new_coord = c( (data$startX[axis[j-1]]+data$endX[axis[j]])/2,
                                     (data$startZ[axis[j-1]]+data$endZ[axis[j]])/2 )
                      # new coordinates assigned to the end of the previous segment and
                      # to the start of the curent segment and child segments of j-1
                      data[axis[j-1],':='(endX = new_coord[1],
                                          endY = new_coord[2],
                                          endZ = new_coord[3])]
                      data[c(axis[j],which(parent_ID == data$cyl_ID[axis[j-1]])),
                           ':='(startX = new_coord[1],
                                startY = new_coord[2],
                                startZ = new_coord[3])]

            data[,length := sqrt( (startX - endX)^2 +
                                    (startY - endY)^2 +
                                    (startZ - endZ)^2)]

            aRchi@QSM = data

            aRchi@operations$"Smoothing" = c(niter = niter,th = th)


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aRchi documentation built on Sept. 3, 2022, 9:06 a.m.