Man pages for activegp
Gaussian Process Based Design and Analysis for the Active Subspace Method

activegpPackage activegp
as.matrix.const_CExtract Matrix
C_GPC matrix closed form expression for a GP.
C_GP_ciCI on Eigenvalues via Monte Carlo/GP
C_GP_cppEquivalent of 'C_GP' using RcppArmadillo
C_QActive subspace for second order linear model
C_trExpected variance of trace of C
C_varElement-wise Cn+1 variance
C_var2Alternative Variance of Update
d1Get Integerodifferential Quantities
domain_to_RRectangular Domain -> Unbounded Domain
domain_to_unitChange a function's inputs to live in [-1, 1]
get_betagammaQuantities for Acquisition Functions
grad_est_subspaceEstimate the Active Subspace of a Cheap Function using...
grad_W_kappa_ij2Covariance of kernel computations
grad_W_kappa_ij2_w2Covariance of kernel computations
logLikHessianHessian of the log-likelihood with respect to lengthscales...
Lt_GPActive Subspace Prewarping
n11_2_01f:[-1, 1] -> R Becomes f:[0,1] -> R
plot.const_CPlot const_C objectc
print.const_CPrint const_C objects
quick_CCovariance of kernel computations
subspace_distGet the distance between subspaces defined as the ranges of A...
update_C2Update Constantine's C, using update formula
update.const_CC update with new observations
W_kappa_ijCovariance of kernel computations
W_kappa_ij2Covariance of kernel computations
W_kappa_ij_upCovariance of kernel computations
W_kappa_lkCovariance of kernel computations
activegp documentation built on June 28, 2022, 1:05 a.m.