get_betagamma: Quantities for Acquisition Functions

View source: R/activeC.R

get_betagammaR Documentation

Quantities for Acquisition Functions


Create a single element of the BETA/GAMMA matrix. Used to compute acquisition functions and their gradients.


get_betagamma(C, xnew, grad = FALSE)



A const_C object, the result of a call to C_GP


The new design point


If FALSE, calculate beta and gamma only. If TRUE, calculate their gradient too.


If grad == FALSE, A numeric vector of length 2, whose first element of beta_ij and the second gamma_ij. If grad == TRUE, a list with 3 numeric vector elements, the first giving the gradient for beta_ij, and the second for gamma_ij, and the third is the same vector as would have been returned if grad was FALSE: simply the values of beta and gamma.

activegp documentation built on June 28, 2022, 1:05 a.m.