Man pages for adapt4pv
Adaptive Approaches for Signal Detection in Pharmacovigilance

adapt4pv-packageAdaptive approaches for signal detection in PharmacoVigilance
adapt_bicfit an adaptive lasso with adaptive weights derived from...
adapt_cislfit an adaptive lasso with adaptive weights derived from CISL
adapt_cvfit an adaptive lasso with adaptive weights derived from...
adapt_univfit an adaptive lasso with adaptive weights derived from...
cislClass Imbalanced Subsampling Lasso
data_PVSimulated data for the adapt4pv package
est_ps_bicpropensity score estimation in high dimension with automated...
est_ps_hdpspropensity score estimation in high dimension with automated...
est_ps_xgbpropensity score estimation in high dimension using gradient...
lasso_bicfit a lasso regression and use standard BIC for variable...
lasso_cvwrap function for 'cv.glmnet'
lasso_permfit a lasso regression and use standard permutation of the...
ps_adjustadjustment on propensity score
ps_adjust_oneadjustment on propensity score for one drug exposure
ps_pondweihting on propensity score
ps_pond_oneweihting on propensity score for one drug exposure
summary_statSummary statistics for main adapt4pv package functions
adapt4pv documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:08 p.m.