ps_adjust_one: adjustment on propensity score for one drug exposure

View source: R/ps_adjust_one.R

ps_adjust_oneR Documentation

adjustment on propensity score for one drug exposure


Implement the adjustment on propensity score for one drug exposure. The binary outcome is regressed on the drug exposure of interest and its estimated PS. Internal function, not supposed to be used directly.


ps_adjust_one(ps_est, y)



An object of class "ps", "*" where "*" is "bic", "hdps" or "xgb" according on how the score was estimated, respective outputs of internal functions est_ps_bic, est_ps_hdps, est_ps_xgb. It is a list with the following elements : * score_type: character, name of the drug exposure for which the PS was estimated. * indicator_expo: indicator of the drugs exposure for which the PS was estimated. One-column Matrix object. * score_variables: Character vector, names of covariate(s) selected to include in the PS estimation model. Could be empty. *score: One-column Matrix object, the estimated score.


Binary response variable, numeric.


The PS could be estimated in different ways: using lasso-bic approach, the hdPS algorithm or gradient tree boosting using functions est_ps_bic, est_ps_hdps and est_ps_xgb respectivelly.


An object with S3 class "ps","adjust"


Character, name of the drug exposure for which the PS was estimated.


Regression coefficient associated with the drug exposure in adjustment on PS.


One sided p-value associated with the drug exposure in adjustment on PS.


Two sided p-value associated with the drug exposure in adjustment on PS.

Could return NA if the adjustment on the PS did not converge.


Emeline Courtois
Maintainer: Emeline Courtois


drugs <- matrix(rbinom(100*20, 1, 0.2), nrow = 100, ncol = 20)
colnames(drugs) <- paste0("drugs",1:ncol(drugs))
ae <- rbinom(100, 1, 0.3)
pshdps2 <- est_ps_hdps(idx_expo = 2, x = drugs, y = ae, keep_total = 10)
adjps2 <- ps_adjust_one(ps_est = pshdps2, y = ae)
adjps2$estimate #estimated strength of association between drug_2 and the outcome by PS adjustment

adapt4pv documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:08 p.m.