
test_that("constant sed rate gives correct results for 2 tp between tps",{
  t_min = -2
  t_max = -1
  h_min = 2
  h_max = 3
  no_eval = 100
  t_tp = function() return(c(t_min, t_max))
  h_tp = function() return(c(h_min, h_max))
  sed_rate_gen = function() return(approxfun(x = c(t_min, t_max), y = c(1,1), rule = 2))
  h = seq(h_min + 0.1, h_max - 0.1, length.out = no_eval)
  madm  = sedrate_to_multiadm(h_tp, t_tp, sed_rate_gen, h, no_of_rep = 1)
  expect_equal(madm$h[[1]], h)
  expect_equal(madm$t[[1]], seq(t_min + 0.1, t_max - 0.1, length.out = no_eval))

test_that("constant sed rate gives correct results for 2 tp at tps",{
  t_min = -2
  t_max = 2
  h_min = -3
  h_max = 1
  no_eval = 100
  t_tp = function() return(c( t_min,  t_max))
  h_tp = function() return(c( h_min,  h_max))
  sed_rate_gen = function() return(approxfun(x = c(t_min, t_max), y = c(1,1), rule = 2))
  h = seq(h_min , h_max , length.out = no_eval)
  madm  = sedrate_to_multiadm(h_tp, t_tp, sed_rate_gen, h, no_of_rep = 1)
  expect_equal(madm$h[[1]], h)
  expect_equal(madm$t[[1]], seq(t_min , t_max , length.out = no_eval))

test_that("correct vals outside of tps are returned",{
  t_min = -2
  t_max = 2
  h_min = -3
  h_max = 1
  no_eval = 100
  t_tp = function() return(c( t_min,  t_max))
  h_tp = function() return(c( h_min,  h_max))
  sed_rate_gen = function() return(approxfun(x = c(t_min, t_max), y = c(1,1), rule = 2))
  h = seq(h_min - 1, h_max + 1 , length.out = no_eval)
  madm  = sedrate_to_multiadm(h_tp, t_tp, sed_rate_gen, h, no_of_rep = 1)
  expect_equal(madm$h[[1]], h)
  expect_equal(madm$t[[1]], seq(t_min - 1 , t_max + 1 , length.out = no_eval))

test_that("multiple tps yield correct results",{
  t_1 = 0
  t_2 = 1
  t_3 = 2
  h_1 = 0
  h_2 = 1
  h_3 = 3
  t_tp = function() return(c(t_1,t_2, t_3))
  h_tp = function() return(c(h_1,h_2,h_3))
  sed_rate_gen = function() return(approxfun(x = c(t_1, t_3), y = c(1,1), rule = 2))
  h = seq(h_1,h_3, by = 0.1)
  madm  = sedrate_to_multiadm(h_tp, t_tp, sed_rate_gen, h, no_of_rep = 1)
  expect_equal(madm$h[[1]], h)
  expect_equal(madm$t[[1]] , unique(c(seq(0,1,by = 0.1), seq(1,2,by = 0.05))))

test_that("errors in tie point encoding are caught", {
  # prelims
  t_min = 0
  t_max = 1
  h_min = 0
  h_max = 1
  no_eval = 100
  # disorder in time tp
  t_tp = function() return(c( t_max,  t_min))
  h_tp = function() return(c( h_min, h_max))
  sed_rate_gen = function() return(approxfun(x = c(t_min, t_max), y = c(1,1), rule = 2))
  h = seq(h_min, h_max, length.out = no_eval)
  expect_error(sedrate_to_multiadm(h_tp, t_tp, sed_rate_gen, h, no_of_rep = 1))
  # disorder in height tp
  t_tp = function() return(c( t_min,  t_max))
  h_tp = function() return(c( h_max,  h_min))
  sed_rate_gen = function() return(approxfun(x = c(t_min, t_max), y = c(1,1), rule = 2))
  h = seq(h_min, h_max, length.out = no_eval)
  expect_error(sedrate_to_multiadm(h_tp, t_tp, sed_rate_gen, h, no_of_rep = 1))
  #different no of tie points
  t_tp = function() return(1:3)
  h_tp = function() return(c( h_min,  h_max))
  sed_rate_gen = function() return(approxfun(x = c(t_min, t_max), y = c(1,1), rule = 2))
  h = seq(h_min, h_max, length.out = no_eval)
  expect_error(sedrate_to_multiadm(h_tp, t_tp, sed_rate_gen, h, no_of_rep = 1))

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admtools documentation built on Oct. 4, 2024, 1:09 a.m.