Man pages for afc
Generalized Discrimination Score

afcCalculate Generalized Discrimination Score 2AFC
afc.cc2AFC For Continuous Observations And Continuous Forecasts
afc.ce2AFC For Continuous Observations And Ensemble Forecasts
afc.dc2AFC For Dichotomous Observations And Continuous Forecasts
afc.dd2AFC For Dichotomous Observations And Dichotomous Forecasts
afc.de2AFC For Dichotomous Observations and Ensemble Forecasts
afc.dm2AFC For Dichotomous Observations And Ordinal Polychotomous...
afc.dp2AFC For Dichotomous Observations And Probabilistic Forecasts
afc.mc2AFC For Ordinal Polychotomous Observations And Continuous...
afc.me2AFC For Ordinal Polychotomous Observations And Ensemble...
afc.mm2AFC For Ordinal Polychotomous Observations And Ordinal...
afc.mp2AFC For Ordinal Polychotomous Observations And Probabilistic...
afc.nn2AFC For Nominal Polychotomous Observations And Nominal...
afc.np2AFC For Nominal Polychotomous Observations Ans Probabilistic...
afc-packageGeneralized Discrimination Score 2AFC
cnrm.nino34.ccExample Data of Continuous Observations and Continuous...
cnrm.nino34.ceExample Data of Continuous Observations and Ensemble...
cnrm.nino34.dcExample Data of Dichotomous Observations and Continuous...
cnrm.nino34.ddExample Data of Dichotomous Observations and Dichotomous...
cnrm.nino34.deExample Data of Dichotomous Observations and Ensemble...
cnrm.nino34.dmExample Data of Dichotomous Observations and Polychotomous...
cnrm.nino34.dpExample Data of Dichotomous Observations and Probabilistic...
cnrm.nino34.mcExample Data of Polychotomous Observations and Continuous...
cnrm.nino34.meExample Data of Polychotomous Observations and Ensembles...
cnrm.nino34.mmExample Data of Polychotomous Observations and Polychotomous...
cnrm.nino34.mpExample Data of Polychotomous Observations and Probabilistic...
rank.ensemblesRank Ensembles
afc documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:46 p.m.