Man pages for agua
'tidymodels' Integration with 'h2o'

agua-packagetidymodels integration with h2o
as_h2oData conversion tools
automl-autoplotPlot rankings and metrics of H2O AutoML results
automl-toolsTools for working with H2O AutoML results
h2o_predictPrediction wrappers for h2o
h2o-printPrint wrappers for h2o models
h2o-serverUtility functions for interacting with the h2o server
h2o_trainModel wrappers for h2o
h2o_tuneControl model tuning via 'h2o::h2o.grid()'
h2o-tuning-paramsTuning parameters in h2o
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
agua documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:07 p.m.