TimeIntervals-class: TimeIntervals

TimeIntervals-classR Documentation



An S4 class to represent time intervals.



A character vector specifying the identifier/name of intervals. Duplicated values are interpreted as disjoint intervals referring to the same event.


A RataDie object giving the start time of the intervals.


A RataDie object giving the end time of the intervals.


N. Frerebeau

See Also

Other classes: AD-class, BC-class, BCE-class, BP-class, CE-class, GregorianCalendar-class, JulianCalendar-class, RataDie-class, TimeScale-class, TimeSeries-class, b2k-class

Other time classes: RataDie-class, TimeSeries-class

aion documentation built on Oct. 4, 2024, 5:07 p.m.