Man pages for almanac
Tools for Working with Recurrence Rules

adjustmentsDate adjustments
alma_eventsGet all events
alma_inCheck if dates are in an event set
almanac-defaultsDefault values in almanac
almanac-packagealmanac: Tools for Working with Recurrence Rules
almanac-vctrs-compatvctrs compatibility functions
alma_nextGenerate the next or previous event
alma_searchSearch for events
alma_seqGenerate date sequences
alma_stepStep relative to an rschedule
calendar-add-removeCalendar additions and removals
calendar-locationsCalendar locations
cal_eventsCalendar events
cal_matchCalendar matching
cal_namesCalendar names
cal_us_federalUS federal calendar
deprecated-recurDeprecated recurrence helpers
holiday-utilitiesHoliday utility functions
new_rscheduleCreate a new rschedule
pipePipe operator
radjustedCreate an adjusted rschedule
rcalendarCreate a recurring calendar
rcustomCreate a custom rschedule
recur_for_countControl the number of times to recur
recur_on_day_of_monthRecur on a day of the month
recur_on_day_of_weekRecur on a day of the week
recur_on_day_of_yearRecur on a day of the year
recur_on_easterRecur on easter
recur_on_intervalRecur on an interval
recur_on_month_of_yearRecur on a month of the year
recur_on_positionRecur on a position within a frequency
recur_on_week_of_yearRecur on a week of the year
recur_with_week_startControl the start of the week
rholidayCreate a recurring holiday
roffsetCreate an offset rschedule
rruleCreate a recurrence rule
rsetCreate a new set-based recurrence schedule
rset-addDeprecated rset helpers
stepperCreate a new stepper
almanac documentation built on April 14, 2023, 12:23 a.m.