Man pages for amber
Automated Model Benchmarking R Package

amber-packageOverview of AMBER functions
correlationMatrixCorrelation matrix for statistical metrics computed by AMBER
correlationMatrixDiffPlot a matrix that shows the difference between two...
correlationMatrixFluxnetCorrelation matrix for statistical metrics computed by AMBER...
globalSumsTableTable of globally summed values and corresponding biases.
intFun.addBWtextAdd text to raster
intFun.anom.mlyMonthly anomalies
intFun.binMake bins
intFun.coastReproject coastline
intFun.crmseCentralized root mean square error (CRMSE)
intFun.grid.define.outlierUpper and lower threshold values that define outliers
intFun.grid.naReplace NA with zero in raster object
intFun.grid.outliers.naSet all values outside a range to NA
intFun.grid.outliers.pointsConvert outliers to spatial points
intFun.grid.phaseTime distance in months
intFun.grid.significanceSet significant differences to NA
intFun.grid.wilcoxWilcox significance test
intFun.iavInter-annual variability
intFun.isRasterReproject coastline
intFun.min.max.intRange and interval for color bar legend and interval for color bar legend (bias) and interval for color bar legend (difference) and interval for color bar legend and interval for color bar legend for two raster... and interval for color bar legend
intFun.rel.errorRelative error used for binned data
intFun.rmseRoot mean square error (RMSE)
intFun.sampleDataFramerandom sampling across space and time for a data frame...
intFun.sampleGridTimeRandom sampling of gridded reference data along time axis
intFun.sampleGridTimeAndSpacerandom sampling across space and time (if available) for... spatial points
intFun.thetaTime distance in months
metrics.compareCompares global mean statistical meterics for multiple model...
plotBarsBarplots of reference and model data with same unit
plotEnsembleHovmoellerHovmoeller Diagram for model ensemble
plotEnsembleMeanEnsemble mean plots of AMBER results (bias, bias scores, etc)
plotFluxnetStatsPlots that show statistical metrics for FLUXNET sites
plotGridPlots raster layers of a raster stack object
plotHovmoellerPlot Hovmoeller diagrams that show monthly climatological...
plotNcPlots the time-mean of a variable stored in NetCDF model...
plotNcIrregPlots the time-mean of a variable stored in NetCDF model...
plotZonalMeansPlot zonal mean values of model and reference data in a...
plotZonalMeanStatsPlot zonal mean plots of AMBER results (bias, bias scores,...
scores.compareCompares scores from two model runs model scores against scores reference scores. scores from multiple model runs in single figure.
scores.fluxnet.csvScores for FLUXNET reference data in CSV format
scores.fluxnet.ncScores for FLUXNET reference data in NetCDF format
scores.fluxnet.siteScores for FLUXNET reference data when model run at FLUXNET...
scores.functional.responseResponse of a variable to its forcing
scores.grid.notimeScores for gridded reference data that do not have a varying...
scores.grid.timeScores for gridded reference data with a varying time...
scores.runoffScores for runoff for site-level reference data that do not vary in time
scores.tablesSummarize results in a table and a plot
scores.tables.tweakTweak summary table
seasonalCycleZonal mean plots of model and reference data
seasonalCycleIrregZonal mean plots of model and reference data on an irregular...
zonalMeanZonal mean plots of model and reference data
zonalMeanIrregZonal mean plots of model and reference data on an irregular...
zonalMeanStatsZonal mean plots of AMBER results (bias, bias scores, etc)
amber documentation built on Aug. 28, 2020, 5:08 p.m.