panel.Stratiplot: Panel function for stratigraphic diagrams

panel.StratiplotR Documentation

Panel function for stratigraphic diagrams


A Lattice panel function for drawing individuals panels on stratigraphic diagrams using a range of plot types commonly used within palaeoecology.


panel.Stratiplot(x, y,
                 type = "l",
                 pch = plot.symbol$pch,
                 cex = plot.symbol$cex,
                 col.line = plot.line$col,
                 col.symbol = plot.symbol$col,
                 col.refline = ref.line$col,
                 col.smooth = "red",
                 col.poly = plot.line$col,
                 lty = plot.line$lty,
                 lwd = plot.line$lwd,
                 lty.smooth = plot.line$lty,
                 lwd.smooth = 2,
                 lwd.h = 3,
                 fill = plot.symbol$fill,
                 zones = NULL,
                 col.zones = plot.line$col,
                 lty.zones = plot.line$lty,
                 lwd.zones = plot.line$lwd,
                 gridh = -1, gridv = -1,


x, y

variables defining the contents of the panel.


character vector consisting of one or more of the following: "l", "p", "o", "b", "h", "g", "smooth", and "poly". It type has more than one element, the effects of each component are combined, though note that some elements will over-plot, and hence obscure, earlier elements.

For types "l", "p", "o", "b" and "g" the standard Lattice interpretation is observed. See panel.xyplot for further details. Note that type "b" is the same as type "o".

"g" adds a reference grid using panel.grid in the background.

For "h", histogram-like bars are plotted from the y-axis, not from the x-axis with plot and panel.loess.

For "smooth" a loess fit is added to each panel using panel.Loess.

For "poly", a shaded polygon, or silhouette, is drawn for each panel.

col, col.line, col.symbol, col.poly, col.refline, col.smooth, col.zones

colour parameters. For all but col.smooth, default colours are obtained from plot.symbol and plot.line using trellis.par.get. col.refline controls the colour of the reference line drawn at value 0 on the x-axis, as well as the colour of the grid lines if drawn.

pch, cex, lty, lwd, fill

other graphical parameters, defaults for which are obtained from plot.symbol and plot.line using trellis.par.get.


line type for the loess smoother. The default is obtained from plot.line using trellis.par.get.

lwd.smooth, lwd.h

The line width for the loess smoother and histogram-like bars respectively.


numeric; vector of zone boundary positions on scale of the depth/time (y-)axis.

lty.zones, lwd.zones

line type and width for the zone markers. The defaults are obtained from plot.line.

gridh, gridv

numeric arguments corresponding to h and v of panel.grid, which control the number of grid lines drawn.


extra arguments passed on to the underlying panel functions; panel.points, panel.lines, panel.segments, panel.polygon, panel.Loess and panel.refline.


Creates stratigraphic scatter plots of x and y, with various modifications possible via the type argument.

Zones can be drawn on the panels by supplying the numeric vector of zone boundaries as argument zones. The panel function will then draw horizontal lines across the panels at the desired y-axis locations. Note that the panel function does not attempt to identify the zone boundaries automatically; these must be determined via a chronological (constrained) cluster analysis function or similar.

Note that all the arguments controlling the display can be supplied directly to a high-level call of the function Stratiplot.


Histogram-like bars (type = "h") are drawn with lineend = "butt" to improve their appearance. This can not be changed by the user and you can't include that grid parameter in any call to panel.Stratiplot that uses type = "h".


Gavin L. Simpson

See Also

Stratiplot, panel.Loess, panel.xyplot.

analogue documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:41 a.m.