plot.prcurve: Plot a fitted principal curve in PCA space

View source: R/plot.prcurve.R

plot.prcurveR Documentation

Plot a fitted principal curve in PCA space


Projects the principal curve into PCA space and draws it and the underlying data in a biplot.


## S3 method for class 'prcurve'
plot(x, axes = 1:2, scaling = 0, segments = TRUE,
     col = "red", col.seg = "forestgreen", lwd = 2,
     lwd.seg = 1, ...)

## S3 method for class 'prcurve'
lines(x, axes = 1:2, scaling = 0, segments = TRUE,
      col = "red", col.seg = "forestgreen", lwd = 2,
      lwd.seg = 1, ...)



an object of class "prcurve".


numeric vector of length 2; this is passed to the choices argument of the scores function.


numeric; the scaling to use. See scores.rda for the available options. The default is not to scale the scores, but scaling = 1 might be a useful alternative.


logical; should segments be drawn between the observed points to the location on the principal curve on to which they project.


The colour to draw the principal curve in.


The colour to draw the segments in.

lwd, lwd.seg

The line thickness used to draw the principal curve and segments respectively.


additional arguments passed on to points when drawing the observations in PCA space.


A plot on the currently active device. The function does not return anything.


Gavin L. Simpson

See Also

prcurve; rda for the code used to perform the PCA.


## Load the Abernethy Forest data

## Remove the Depth and Age variables
abernethy2 <- abernethy[, -(37:38)]

## Fit the principal curve using varying complexity of smoothers
## for each species
aber.pc <- prcurve(abernethy2, method = "ca", trace = TRUE,
                   vary = TRUE, penalty = 1.4)

## Plot the curve

## The lines() method can be used to add the principal curve to an
## existing plot
ord <- rda(abernethy2)
plot(ord, scaling = 1)
lines(aber.pc, scaling = 1)

analogue documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:41 a.m.