Man pages for animalTrack
Animal track reconstruction for high frequency 2-dimensional (2D) or 3-dimensional (3D) movement data.

accuracyEstimate accuracy of three axis accelerometer/magnetometer.
animalplot3dMake a 3D rotated plot of animal orientation based on roll,...
animalTrack-packageAnimal track reconstruction for high frequency 2-dimensional...
calibrate.axesCalibrate two accelerometer/magnetometer axes. Axes are...
calibrate.axisScale and center an accelerometer/magnetometer axis.
dead_reckoningCreate a course steered and course made good using the...
hughSeal "hugh" dive data.
missionbay2Mission Bay navigation trials.
missionbay_calib2Magnetometer/accelerometer calibration data.
pitchCalculate pitch angle.
pitch2Calculate pitch angle.
rollCalculate roll angle.
tilt_compensateTilt compensated compass.
yprsimYaw, pitch, and roll simulation data.
animalTrack documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:07 a.m.