
context("Function netLoadRamp")

sapply(studyPathS, function(studyPath){

  opts <- setSimulationPath(studyPath)

  describe("netLoadRamp", {

    mydata <- readAntares(areas = "all", districts = "all", links = "all", showProgress = FALSE, mcYears = "all")

    it("returns an antaresDataTable with correct number of lines and columns", {
      s <- netLoadRamp(mydata$areas, ignoreMustRun = TRUE)
      expect_is(s, "antaresDataTable")
      expect_equal(nrow(s) / length(simOptions()$mcYears) / (24 * 7 * nweeks),
                   nrow(unique(mydata$areas[, .(area)])))

    it("accepts 'antaresDataList' objects", {
      s <- netLoadRamp(mydata, ignoreMustRun = TRUE)

      expect_is(s, "antaresDataList")

    it("creates min and max columns only if timeStep is not hourly or synthesis is true", {
      s <- netLoadRamp(mydata$areas, ignoreMustRun = TRUE)

      s <- netLoadRamp(x = mydata$areas, ignoreMustRun = TRUE, synthesis = TRUE)

      s <- suppressWarnings(netLoadRamp(mydata$areas, ignoreMustRun = TRUE, timeStep = "monthly"))

    it("stops if input does not contain area or district data", {
      expect_error(netLoadRamp(mydata$links, ignoreMustRun = TRUE), "area")

    it("stops if some 'necesary'BALANCE' column is missing", {
      mydata <- readAntares(areas="all", showProgress = FALSE, select = "LOAD", mcYears = "all")
      expect_error(netLoadRamp(mydata, ignoreMustRun = TRUE), "missing")



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antaresProcessing documentation built on June 25, 2024, 5:07 p.m.