API for antaresRead
Import, Manipulate and Explore the Results of an 'Antares' Simulation

Global functions
.addClassAndAttributes Source code
.addColumns Source code
.arrayToDataTable Source code
.checkIfWeWantToAggregate Source code
.check_rhdf5 Source code
.check_rhdf5_version Source code
.formatArray Source code
.format_list Source code
.generate_columns_by_type Source code
.getAreas Source code
.getInputOptions Source code
.getInputOptionsAPI Source code
.getNtcOutputTs Source code
.getOptionsH5 Man page Source code
.getOutputHeader Source code
.getPaths Source code
.getPathsAPI Source code
.getSimOptions Source code
.getSimOptionsAPI Source code
.getStartDate Source code
.getSuccess Source code
.getTimeId Source code
.getTimeStep Source code
.get_by Source code
.get_by_area Source code
.get_by_district Source code
.get_by_link Source code
.get_value_columns_details_file Source code
.getstructure Source code
.giv_sim Source code
.giveSize Source code
.groupByDistrict Source code
.h5ReadAntares Man page Source code
.idCols Source code
.importHydroStorageInput Source code
.importHydroStorageMaxPower Source code
.importInputTS Source code
.importLinkCapacity Source code
.importLoad Source code
.importMisc Source code
.importOutput Source code
.importOutputForAreas Source code
.importOutputForClusters Source code
.importOutputForDistricts Source code
.importROR Source code
.importResProduction Source code
.importReserves Source code
.importSTStorage Source code
.importSolar Source code
.importThermalAvailabilities Source code
.importThermalData Source code
.importThermalModulation Source code
.importWind Source code
.importmingen Source code
.loadAreas Source code
.loadAttributes Source code
.loadClusters Source code
.loadDistricts Source code
.loadLinks Source code
.makeStructure Source code
.manage_list_structure Source code
.mergeByRef Source code
.merge_Col_Area_D Source code
.optimH5Read Source code
.readClusterDesc Source code
.readDistrictsDef Source code
.readDistrictsDefAPI Source code
.readEnergyCosts Source code
.readEnergyCostsAPI Source code
.readLayout Source code
.readLinksDef Source code
.readPropertiesFunction Source code
.read_binding_values Source code
.reafectLinks Source code
.removeAreasInList Source code
.reorderCols Source code
.reorderInputTSHydroStorage Source code
.requireRhdf5_Antares Source code
.stop_rhdf5_version Source code
.tidymess Source code
.timeIdToDate Source code
.writeAntaresH5Fun Man page Source code
.writeIni Man page
API-methods Man page
addDateTimeColumns Source code
aggregateResult Man page
antaresRead Man page
antaresRead-package Man page
api_delete Man page Source code
api_get Man page Source code
api_post Man page Source code
api_put Man page Source code
as.antaresDataList Man page Source code
as.antaresDataList.antaresDataList Source code
as.antaresDataList.antaresDataTable Man page Source code
as.antaresDataList.data.frame Man page Source code
as.antaresDataList.default Source code
as.antaresDataList.list Source code
as.antaresDataTable Man page Source code
as.antaresDataTable.antaresDataTable Source code
as.antaresDataTable.data.frame Man page Source code
as.antaresDataTable.default Source code
badge_api_no Source code
badge_api_ok Source code
changeTimeStep Man page Source code
copyToClipboard Man page Source code
copyToClipboard.antaresDataList Man page Source code
copyToClipboard.data.frame Source code
copyToClipboard.default Source code
copyToClipboard.matrix Source code
empty_strings_as_NA Source code
extractDataList Man page Source code
fread_antares Source code
getAlias Man page Source code
getAllDateInfoFromDate Source code
getAreas Man page Source code
getDistricts Man page Source code
getGeographicTrimming Man page Source code
getIdCols Man page Source code
getLinks Man page Source code
getTime Source code
h5ReadBindingConstraints Source code
h5ReadClusterDesc Source code
h5ReadLayout Source code
hvdcModification Man page Source code
is.installed Source code
isH5Opts Man page Source code
is_api_study Source code
merge.antaresDataTable Source code
mergeDigests Man page Source code
parAggregateMCall Man page Source code
ponderateMcAggregation Man page Source code
print.antaresDataList Source code
print.antaresDataTable Source code
print.simOptions Source code
read-ini Man page
readAntares Man page Source code
readAntaresAreas Man page
readAntaresClusters Man page Source code
readBindingConstraints Man page Source code
readClusterDesc Man page Source code
readClusterResDesc Man page Source code
readClusterSTDesc Man page Source code
readDigestFile Man page Source code
readIni Man page Source code
readIniAPI Man page Source code
readIniFile Man page Source code
readInputRES Man page Source code
readInputTS Man page Source code
readInputThermal Man page Source code
readLayout Man page Source code
readOptimCriteria Man page Source code
read_secure_json Source code
removeVirtualAreas Man page Source code
setAlias Man page Source code
setHvdcAreas Man page Source code
setRam Man page Source code
setSimulationPath Man page Source code
setSimulationPathAPI Man page Source code
setSimulationPathH5 Source code
setTimeoutAPI Man page Source code
showAliases Man page Source code
simOptions Man page Source code
subset.antaresDataList Man page Source code
summary.bindingConstraints Man page Source code
transformH5 Source code
viewAntares Man page Source code
viewAntares.antaresDataList Source code
viewAntares.default Source code
writeAntaresData Source code
writeAntaresH5 Man page Source code
writeDataType Source code
writeDigest Man page Source code
writeTime Source code
antaresRead documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:36 a.m.