
isSolaris <-[["sysname"]] == "SunOS"
isWindows <-[["sysname"]] == "Windows"
isFedora  <- anytime:::.isFedora()

## We turn off tests on Solaris with some regret, yet firmly, as the
## combined inability of CRAN to provide us a test platform (to
## examine test failures) along with the insistence on running these
## tests gives us no choice
## These tests now also puke on Windows (where they passed before). I do
## not have a Windows machine.
## Anybody who would like to contribute please get in touch.
if (isSolaris) exit_file("Skipping Solaris")
## Ditto for Fedora at CRAN
if (isFedora) exit_file("Skipping Fedora")

## This is _beyond repair_ at CRAN because tzone attributes are set
## inconsistently between release and devel, as well as different
## architectures and after fighting this for a number of release the
## time has come to call it a day.
isForced <- tolower(Sys.getenv("ForceAllAnytimeTests")) == "yes"
if (!isForced) exit_file("Set 'ForceAllAnytimeTests=yes' to run.")


oldtz <- anytime:::getTZ()

## Explicit test for (at least) two of the Fedora machines at CRAN which fail this
inp <- "2016-01-01"
isStupid <- as.Date(inp) != anydate(inp)
if (isStupid) exit_file("Skipping Stupid (1 of 2)")

refT <- as.POSIXct(as.POSIXlt(format(as.Date("2016-01-01")+0:2)))
#attr(refT, "tzone") <- NULL  # to suppress a warning; now the opposite and need it
refD <- as.Date("2016-01-01")+0:2

isStupid <- isFALSE(all.equal(refT, anytime(20160101L + 0:2, oldHeuristic=TRUE)))
if (isStupid) exit_file("Skipping Stupid (2 of 2)")

#isCompleteTests <- Sys.getenv("RunAllAnytimeTests") == "yes"
#if (!isCompleteTests) exit_file("Skipping remainder of test_simple")

## Dates: Integer
expect_equivalent(refD, anydate(20160101L + 0:2))
if (!isWindows) expect_equivalent(refT, anytime(20160101L + 0:2, oldHeuristic=TRUE))

## Dates: Numeric
expect_equivalent(refD, anydate(20160101 + 0:2))
if (!isWindows) expect_equivalent(refT, anytime(20160101 + 0:2, oldHeuristic=TRUE))

## Dates: Factor
expect_equivalent(refD, anydate(as.factor(20160101 + 0:2)))
if (!isWindows) expect_equivalent(refT, anytime(as.factor(20160101 + 0:2)))

## Dates: Ordered
expect_equivalent(refD, anydate(as.ordered(20160101 + 0:2)))
if (!isWindows) expect_equivalent(refT, anytime(as.ordered(20160101 + 0:2)))

## Dates: Character
expect_equivalent(refD, anydate(as.character(20160101 + 0:2)))
if (!isWindows) expect_equivalent(refT, anytime(as.character(20160101 + 0:2)))

## Dates: alternate formats
expect_equivalent(refD, anydate(c("20160101", "2016/01/02", "2016-01-03")))
if (!isWindows) expect_equivalent(refT, anytime(c("20160101", "2016/01/02", "2016-01-03")))

## Datetime: ISO with/without fractional seconds
refPt <- as.POSIXct(as.POSIXlt(c("2016-01-01 10:11:12", "2016-01-01 10:11:12.345678")))
if (!isWindows) expect_equivalent(refPt, anytime(c("2016-01-01 10:11:12", "2016-01-01 10:11:12.345678")))

## Datetime: ISO alternate (?) with 'T' separator
## Only works with ' '
if (!isWindows) expect_equivalent(refPt, anytime(c("20160101 101112", "20160101 101112.345678")))

## Datetime: textual month formats
ref3 <- rep(as.POSIXct(as.POSIXlt("2016-09-01 10:11:12")), 3)
if (!isWindows) expect_equivalent(ref3,
                                  anytime(c("2016-Sep-01 10:11:12", "Sep/01/2016 10:11:12",
                                            "Sep-01-2016 10:11:12")))

## Datetime: Mixed format (cf
if (!isWindows) expect_equivalent(refPt,
                                  anytime(c("Thu Jan 01 10:11:12 2016", "Thu Jan 01 10:11:12.345678 2016")))

## Datetime: pre/post DST
anytime(c("2016-01-31 12:13:14", "2016-08-31 12:13:14"))
anytime(c("2016-01-31 12:13:14", "2016-08-31 12:13:14"), tz="UTC")  # important: catches change

## Datetime: factor and ordered (#44)
refD <- as.Date("2016-09-01")
expect_true(refD == anydate(as.factor("2016-09-01")))
expect_true(refD == anydate(as.ordered("2016-09-01")))
expect_true(refD == utcdate(as.factor("2016-09-01")))
expect_true(refD == utcdate(as.ordered("2016-09-01")))

iso8601(anytime("2016-Sep-01 10:11:12"))
ignore(expect_warning)(iso8601("this won't work"))
iso8601(anytime("2016-Sep-01 10:11:12"))

rfc2822(anytime("2016-Sep-01 10:11:12"))
ignore(expect_warning)(rfc2822("this won't work"))

rfc3339(anytime("2016-Sep-01 10:11:12"))
ignore(expect_warning)(rfc3339("this won't work"))

## Datetime from (integer) Datetime
expect_equivalent(anytime( as.integer(refT) ), refT)

## Date from (smaller) numeric
expect_equivalent(anydate( as.numeric(refD) ), refD)
expect_equivalent(anytime( as.numeric(refT) ), refT)

## Date from (smaller) integer
epochplusone <- as.Date("1971-01-01") + 0:2
expect_equivalent(anydate(365L + 0:2), epochplusone)

## Format test
expect_true(yyyymmdd(refD) == format(refD, "%Y%m%d"))

## Date from POSIXct
##expect_true(anydate(refT) == as.Date(refT))
##expect_true(utcdate(refT) == as.Date(refT))

## some simple calls to add some coverage
## anydate with useR
expect_equal(class(anydate("2001-02-03", useR=TRUE)), "Date")
## format() call
expect_equal(class(anytime:::fmt(Sys.time())), "character")
## anytime() etc entries
expect_true(inherits(anytime(Sys.time()), "POSIXt"))
expect_true(inherits(anytime(Sys.Date()), "POSIXt"))
expect_equal(class(utcdate(Sys.Date())), "Date")
expect_equal(class(anydate(Sys.time())), "Date")
expect_equal(class(utcdate(Sys.time())), "Date")

now <- Sys.time()
expect_silent(utctime(now, useR=TRUE))
txt <- format(now)
expect_silent(utctime(txt, useR=TRUE))


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anytime documentation built on Aug. 28, 2020, 1:12 a.m.