
test_that("Type with defaults", {
  Test(x = 1, y = list(z = 1, a = list(1, 3))) %type% {
    stopifnot(.Object@x > 0)
  expect_error(Test(x = 0))
  expect_true(Test()@x == 1)
  expect_true(Test(2)@x == 2)
  expect_true(identical(Test()@y$z, 1))
  expect_true(typeof(Test()) == "S4")
  removeClass("Test", environment())

test_that("Type with ANY", {
  Test(x = numeric(), y = NULL) %type% .Object
  x <- Test()
  x@y <- Test()
  expect_true(is(x@y, "Test"))
  removeClass("Test", environment())

test_that("Class without slot", {
  setClass("Empty", prototype = prototype(), where = environment())
  Empty : Test() %type% .Object
  expect_true(is(Test(), "Test"))
  removeClass("Test", environment())

test_that("Type inheritance", {
  Test4(x = 1, y = list()) %type% {
    stopifnot(.Object@x > 0)
  Test4:Child(z = " ") %type% {
    stopifnot(nchar(.Object@z) > 0)
  expect_error(Child(x = 0))
  expect_true(Child()@x == 1)
  expect_true(identical(Child()@y, list()))
  expect_true(typeof(Test4()) == "S4")
  expect_true(is(Child(), "Child"))
  expect_true(inherits(Child(), "Test4"))
  expect_true(identical(Child(z = "char")@z, "char"))
  expect_error(Child(z = ""))
  expect_equal(Child(x = 5)@x, 5)
  removeClass("Child", environment())
  # inheriting from more than one thing
  Test2(z = "") %type% .Object
  Test4 : Test2 : Child() %type% .Object
  expect_true(Child()@x == 1)
  expect_true(identical(Child()@y, list()))
  expect_true(inherits(Child(), "Test4"))
  expect_true(inherits(Child(), "Test2"))
  expect_true(identical(Child(z = "char")@z, "char"))
  removeClass("Test2", environment())
  removeClass("Test4", environment())
  removeClass("Child", environment())

test_that("Types can inherit S3 classes", {
  numeric : Test(x = 1, .Data = 2) %type% {
  expect_true(Test() == 2)
  expect_true(Test(4, 3) == 3)
  numeric : Test(x = 1) %type% .Object
  expect_equal(Test()@.Data, numeric())
  expect_true(Test(4, 3) == 3)
  removeClass("Test", environment())

test_that("Type with VIRTUAL", {
  VIRTUAL:Type() %type% .Object
  names.Type <- function(x) {
  Type:Test(x = 1) %type% .Object  
  expect_true(names(Test(x = 2)) == "x")
  expect_true(inherits(Test(), "Type"))
  removeClass("Test", environment())
  removeClass("Type", environment())

test_that("Type with quoted class names", {
  'character' : "Test6"(names = character()) %type% .Object
  expect_true(inherits(Test6(), "character"))
  expect_is(Test6(), "Test6")
  removeClass("Test6", environment())

test_that("Type with explicit class names", {
  Test7(x ~ numeric, y = list(), z) %type% .Object
  expect_error(Test7(x = 0)) # z is missing
  expect_true(Test7(1, list(), NULL)@x == 1)
  expect_true(identical(Test7(1, list(), NULL)@y, list()))
  expect_true(typeof(Test7(1, list(), NULL)) == "S4")
  removeClass("Test7", environment())

test_that("Types can deal with class unions", {
  'numeric | character' : Test5(
    x ~ 'numeric | character | list'
  ) %type% .Object
  expect_is(Test5(1, 2)@x, "numeric")
  expect_is(Test5("", "")@x, "character")
  expect_is(Test5(list())@x, "list")
  # removeClass("Test", environment())
  # removeClass("numericORcharacter", environment())
  # removeClass("numericORcharacterORlist", environment())

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aoos documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:47 p.m.