
Defines functions preferenceRange.otherDense preferenceRange.otherSparse preferenceRange.dgTMatrix preferenceRange.matrix

preferenceRange.matrix <- function(s, exact=FALSE)
    if (ncol(s) != nrow(s))
        stop("'s' must be a square matrix")

    diag(s) <- 0

    if (length(which(s == -Inf)) > 0)
        warning("similarity matrix 's' contains -Inf similarities; ",
                "lower bound may not correspond to 1 or 2 clusters")

    .Call("preferenceRangeC", s, as.logical(exact)[1], PACKAGE="apcluster")

setMethod("preferenceRange", signature(s="matrix"), preferenceRange.matrix)

preferenceRange.dgTMatrix <- function(s, exact=FALSE)
    if (ncol(s) != nrow(s))
        stop("'s' must be a square matrix")

    ## remove diagonal elements and -Inf from s
    remElem <- which(s@i == s@j | s@x == -Inf)

    if (length(remElem) > 0)
        s@i <- s@i[-remElem]
        s@j <- s@j[-remElem]
        s@x <- s@x[-remElem]

    .Call("preferenceRangeSparseC", s@i, s@j, s@x, nrow(s),
          as.logical(exact)[1], PACKAGE="apcluster")

setMethod("preferenceRange", signature(s="dgTMatrix"),

preferenceRange.otherSparse <- function(s, exact=FALSE)
    s <- try(as(as(s, "TsparseMatrix"), "dgTMatrix"))

    if (is(s, "try-error"))
        stop("cannot cast 's' (class '", class(s), "') to class 'dgTMatrix'")

    preferenceRange.dgTMatrix(s=s, exact=exact)

setMethod("preferenceRange", signature(s="sparseMatrix"),

preferenceRange.otherDense <- function(s, exact=FALSE)
    s <- try(as(s, "matrix"))

    if (is(s, "try-error"))
        stop("cannot cast 's' (class '", class(s), "') to class 'matrix'")

    preferenceRange.matrix(s=s, exact=exact)

setMethod("preferenceRange", signature(s="Matrix"),

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apcluster documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:25 a.m.