Description Usage Format Source Examples
icu dataset.
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A data.frame with 200 rows and 21 variables:
Identification code (ID Number)
Vital Status at hospital discharge (1: Lived, 2: Died)
Age (Years)
Gender (1: Male, 2: Female)
Race (1: White, 2: Black, 3: Other)
Service at ICU admission (1: Medical, 2: Surgical)
Cancer part of present problem (1: No, 2: Yes)
History of chronic renal failure (1: No, 2: Yes)
Infection probable at ICU admission (1: No, 2: Yes)
CPR prior to ICU admission (1: No, 2: Yes)
Systolic blood pressure at ICU admission (mm Hg)
Heart rate at ICU admission (Beats/min)
Previous admission to an ICU within 6 months (1: No, 2: Yes)
Type of admission (1: Elective, 2: Emergency)
Long bone, multiple, neck, single area, or hip fracture (1: No, 2: Yes)
PO2 from initial blood gases (1: > 60, 2: <= 60)
PH from initial blood gases (1: >= 7.25, 2: < 7.25)
PCO2 from initial blood gases (1: <= 45, 2: > 45)
Bicarbonate from initial blood gases (1: >= 18, 2: < 18)
Creatinine from initial blood gases (1: <= 2.0, 2: > 2.0)
Level of consciousness at ICU admission (1: No coma or deep stupor, 2: Deep stupor, 3: Coma)
Hosmer, D.W., Lemeshow, S. and Sturdivant, R.X. (2013) Applied Logistic Regression, 3rd ed., New York: Wiley
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id sta age gender race ser can crn inf cpr sys hra pre type fra
1 4 Died 87 Female White Surgical No No Yes No 80 96 No Emergency Yes
2 8 Lived 27 Female White Medical No No Yes No 142 88 No Emergency No
3 12 Lived 59 Male White Medical No No No No 112 80 Yes Emergency No
4 14 Lived 77 Male White Surgical No No No No 100 70 No Elective No
5 27 Died 76 Female White Surgical No No Yes No 128 90 Yes Emergency No
6 28 Lived 54 Male White Medical No No Yes No 142 103 No Emergency Yes
7 32 Lived 87 Female White Surgical No No Yes No 110 154 Yes Emergency No
8 38 Lived 69 Male White Medical No No Yes No 110 132 No Emergency No
9 40 Lived 63 Male White Surgical No No No No 104 66 No Elective No
10 41 Lived 30 Female White Medical No No No No 144 110 No Emergency No
po2 ph pco bic cre loc
1 <= 60 < 7.25 > 45 >= 18 <= 2.0 Nothing
2 > 60 >= 7.25 <= 45 >= 18 <= 2.0 Nothing
3 > 60 >= 7.25 <= 45 >= 18 <= 2.0 Nothing
4 > 60 >= 7.25 <= 45 >= 18 <= 2.0 Nothing
5 > 60 >= 7.25 <= 45 >= 18 <= 2.0 Nothing
6 > 60 >= 7.25 <= 45 >= 18 <= 2.0 Nothing
7 > 60 >= 7.25 <= 45 >= 18 <= 2.0 Nothing
8 <= 60 >= 7.25 <= 45 < 18 <= 2.0 Nothing
9 > 60 >= 7.25 <= 45 >= 18 <= 2.0 Nothing
10 > 60 >= 7.25 <= 45 >= 18 <= 2.0 Nothing
id sta age gender race
Min. : 4.0 Lived:160 Min. :16.00 Male :124 White:175
1st Qu.:210.2 Died : 40 1st Qu.:46.75 Female: 76 Black: 15
Median :412.5 Median :63.00 Other: 10
Mean :444.8 Mean :57.55
3rd Qu.:671.8 3rd Qu.:72.00
Max. :929.0 Max. :92.00
ser can crn inf cpr sys
Medical : 93 No :180 No :181 No :116 No :187 Min. : 36.0
Surgical:107 Yes: 20 Yes: 19 Yes: 84 Yes: 13 1st Qu.:110.0
Median :130.0
Mean :132.3
3rd Qu.:150.0
Max. :256.0
hra pre type fra po2 ph
Min. : 39.00 No :170 Elective : 53 No :185 > 60 :184 >= 7.25:187
1st Qu.: 80.00 Yes: 30 Emergency:147 Yes: 15 <= 60: 16 < 7.25 : 13
Median : 96.00
Mean : 98.92
3rd Qu.:118.25
Max. :192.00
pco bic cre loc
<= 45:180 >= 18:185 <= 2.0:190 Nothing:185
> 45 : 20 < 18 : 15 > 2.0 : 10 Stupor : 5
Coma : 10
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