Man pages for aplpack
Another Plot Package: 'Bagplots', 'Iconplots', 'Summaryplots', Slider Functions and Others

bagplotbagplot, a bivariate boxplot
bagplot.pairs'pairs' plot with bagplots
boxplot2DBoxplot of projection of two dimensional data
facesChernoff Faces
hdepthhdepth of points
iconplotIcon Plots for Visualization of Contingency Tables
plothullsplothulls for data peeling
plotsummarygraphical summaries of variables of a data set
puticonAdd Icon(s) to a Plot
skyline.hist'skyline.hist' computes a skyline plot which is special...
sliderslider / button control widgets
slider.bootstrap.lm.plotinteractive bootstapping for lm
slider.brushinteractive brushing functions
slider.histinteractive histogram and density traces
slider.lowess.plotinteractive lowess smoothing
slider.smooth.plot.tsinteractive Tukey smoothing
slider.split.plot.tsinteractive splitting of time series
slider.stem.leafconstruction of stem and leaf display interactively
slider.zoom.plot.tsinteractive zooming of time series
stem.leafstem and leaf display and back to back stem and leaf display
aplpack documentation built on Sept. 30, 2021, 5:08 p.m.