appellf1: Compute Appell's F1 hypergeometric function

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) Examples

View source: R/appellf1.R


This function is a wrapper for Fortran code written by F. D. Colavecchia and G. Gasaneo, which is available at The corresponding background reference is F. D. Colavecchia, G. Gasaneo and J. E. Miraglia (2001): Numerical evaluation of Appell's F1 hypergeometric function, Computer Physics Communications 138:29-43.


  appellf1(a, b1, b2, c, x, y, debug = FALSE,
    userflag = -1L,
    hyp2f1 = c("michel.stoitsov", "forrey"))



complex parameter of Appell's F1


complex parameter of Appell's F1


complex parameter of Appell's F1


complex parameter of Appell's F1


numeric variable


numeric variable


debug mode? (default is FALSE)


user flag variable (not used by default, expert option)


which algorithm should be used for computing the Gaussian hypergeometric function? See hyp2f1 for details.


External code in “rkf45.f90” by L. F. Shampine and H. A. Watts is used which is available from at It is published in G. E. Forsythe, M. A. Malcolm and C. B. Moler (1977): Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations, Prentice-Hall. Its performance is illustrated in F. Shampine, H. A. Watts and S. Davenport (1976): Solving non-stiff ordinary differential equations - the state of the art, SIAM Review 18:376-411.

The expert user can specify the actual computation with the parameter userflag. Here the values 1 and 2 correspond to ODE integration and series summation, respectively, while 0 decides between these two methods based on the parameter values. Other possible values are 15-17 and 21-30, each referring to an equation in F. D. Colavecchia et al. (2001). The default value of userflag is -1 and leaves the algorithm decision to the Fortran program, the result of which is returned in the list element algoflag. Here the additional values 5 and 6 correspond to simple and polynomial transformations, respectively.


A list with the algorithm and user flags as well as the complex value of Appell's F1 hypergeometric function.


Daniel Sabanes Bove


## library(appell)
## The following code compares results with those published in
## Colavecchia et al. (2001), tables 2-5.
## It also illustrates the very minor differences between results
## obtained with the hyp2f1 algorithm by R. Forrey and or that by
## N. Michel and M. Stoitsov, with the exception of no convergence
## problems with the latter. Therefore it is used as default algorithm. 

## --------------------
## read the original table 2
table2orig <- read.table(file=
                         system.file(file.path("extdata", "table2.dat"),
                         col.names=c("x", "y", "absf1", "exact", "relError"))

## compute the values here
table2orig <- cbind(table2orig,

for(case in seq_len(nrow(table2orig)))
    table2orig[case, "absf1.forrey"] <-
                     x=table2orig[case, "x"],
                     y=table2orig[case, "y"],
                     debug=TRUE,        # test debugging info as well
    table2orig[case, "absf1.michel.stoitsov"] <-
                     x=table2orig[case, "x"],
                     y=table2orig[case, "y"],

## look at the (small) differences:
table2orig$absf1 - table2orig$absf1.forrey
table2orig$absf1 - table2orig$absf1.michel.stoitsov

## here no difference between the hyp2f1 choices:

## --------------------
## read the original table 3
table3orig <- read.table(file=
                         system.file(file.path("extdata", "table3.dat"),
                         c("x", "y", "f1ser", "f1int", "f1exact", "relErrorser",

## compute the values here
table3orig <- cbind(table3orig,

for(case in seq_len(nrow(table3orig)))
    ## first everything with Forrey's algorithm for hyp2f1
    f1ser.forrey <- try(appellf1(a=1,
                                 x=table3orig[case, "x"],
                                 y=table3orig[case, "y"],
    table3orig[case, "f1ser.forrey"] <-
        if(inherits(f1ser.forrey, "try-error"))

    table3orig[case, "f1int.forrey"] <- abs(appellf1(a=1,
                                                     x=table3orig[case, "x"],
                                                     y=table3orig[case, "y"],

    ## then everything with the algorithm by Michel and Stoitsov for hyp2f1
    f1ser.michel.stoitsov <- try(appellf1(a=1,
                                 x=table3orig[case, "x"],
                                 y=table3orig[case, "y"],
    table3orig[case, "f1ser.michel.stoitsov"] <-
        if(inherits(f1ser.michel.stoitsov, "try-error"))

    table3orig[case, "f1int.michel.stoitsov"] <- abs(appellf1(a=1,
                                                     x=table3orig[case, "x"],
                                                     y=table3orig[case, "y"],

## look at the (small) differences:
table3orig$f1ser - table3orig$f1ser.michel.stoitsov
table3orig$f1int - table3orig$f1int.michel.stoitsov
## so we have no missing values for Michel & Stoitsov

## besides that, only very small differences between the two methods:
table3orig$f1ser.michel.stoitsov - table3orig$f1ser.forrey
table3orig$f1int.michel.stoitsov - table3orig$f1int.forrey

## --------------------
## read the original table 4
table4orig <- read.table(file=
                         system.file(file.path("extdata", "table4.dat"),
                         c("x", "y", "f1", "hypergeo", "exact", "relErrorf1",

## compute the values here
table4orig <- cbind(table4orig,

for(case in seq_len(nrow(table4orig)))
    ## get Forrey result and flag
    thisRes <- appellf1(a=-0.5,
                        x=table4orig[case, "x"],
                        y=table4orig[case, "y"],
    table4orig[case, "f1.forrey"] <- abs(thisRes$val)
    table4orig[case, "flag"] <- thisRes$algoflag

    ## get Michel & Stoitsov result
    table4orig[case, "f1.michel.stoitsov"] <-
                     x=table4orig[case, "x"],
                     y=table4orig[case, "y"],

## look at the (small) differences:
table4orig$f1 - table4orig$f1.forrey
## very small errors all over the place!

## and extremely small differences between Forrey and Michel & Stoitsov:
table4orig$f1.michel.stoitsov - table4orig$f1.forrey

## look at the flags
       select=c(x, y, flag))

Example output

       x     y        absf1        exact relError
1  -0.95 -0.95 9.657815e-02 9.657815e-02  0.0e+00
2  -0.95 -0.57 1.336846e-01 1.336846e-01  4.1e-14
3  -0.95 -0.19 2.025864e-01 2.025864e-01  3.8e-14
4  -0.95  0.19 3.607474e-01 3.607474e-01  4.2e-14
5  -0.95  0.57 9.326702e-01 9.326702e-01  3.6e-15
6  -0.95  0.95 2.352208e+01 2.352208e+01  1.8e-13
7  -0.53 -0.95 1.568791e-01 1.568791e-01  1.0e-14
8  -0.53 -0.57 2.171539e-01 2.171539e-01  2.7e-15
9  -0.53 -0.19 3.290764e-01 3.290764e-01  6.1e-15
10 -0.53  0.19 5.859892e-01 5.859892e-01  4.4e-15
11 -0.53  0.57 1.515006e+00 1.515006e+00  5.7e-15
12 -0.53  0.95 3.820869e+01 3.820869e+01  5.9e-14
13 -0.11 -0.95 2.980589e-01 2.980589e-01  1.6e-14
14 -0.11 -0.57 4.125766e-01 4.125766e-01  6.1e-15
15 -0.11 -0.19 6.252211e-01 6.252211e-01  1.1e-14
16 -0.11  0.19 1.113337e+00 1.113337e+00  2.2e-15
17 -0.11  0.57 2.878401e+00 2.878401e+00  3.1e-15
18 -0.11  0.95 7.259372e+01 7.259372e+01  7.4e-15
19  0.31 -0.95 7.713472e-01 7.713472e-01  3.6e-15
20  0.31 -0.57 1.067708e+00 1.067708e+00  4.2e-16
21  0.31 -0.19 1.618011e+00 1.618011e+00  8.1e-15
22  0.31  0.19 2.881206e+00 2.881206e+00  1.4e-15
23  0.31  0.57 7.449020e+00 7.449020e+00  1.3e-14
24  0.31  0.95 1.878654e+02 1.878654e+02  9.1e-14
25  0.73 -0.95 5.037564e+00 5.037564e+00  4.1e-15
26  0.73 -0.57 6.973053e+00 6.973053e+00  4.2e-14
27  0.73 -0.19 1.056701e+01 1.056701e+01  7.7e-15
28  0.73  0.19 1.881676e+01 1.881676e+01  5.7e-15
29  0.73  0.57 4.864854e+01 4.864854e+01  1.9e-14
30  0.73  0.95 1.226923e+03 1.226923e+03  2.1e-14
31  1.15 -0.95 3.776956e+02 3.776956e+02  2.2e-14
32  1.15 -0.57 5.228106e+02 5.228106e+02  6.5e-15
33  1.15 -0.19 7.922703e+02 7.922703e+02  1.0e-14
34  1.15  0.19 1.410803e+03 1.410803e+03  9.7e-15
35  1.15  0.57 3.647465e+03 3.647465e+03  2.1e-14
36  1.15  0.95 9.198962e+04 9.198962e+04  1.1e-14
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.09124380 -        0.03165291 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.09124380 -        0.03165291 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.12082054 -        0.05721855 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.12082054 -        0.05721855 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.16936124 -        0.11116667 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.16936124 -        0.11116667 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        0.25818204 -        0.25195385 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        0.25818204 -        0.25195385 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        0.43149978 -        0.82685042 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        0.43149978 -        0.82685042 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=      -13.18236925 -       19.48110651 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=      -13.18236916 -       19.48110654 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.53000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.15622499 -        0.01431146 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.53000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.53000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.15622499 -        0.01431146 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.53000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.21283694 -        0.04308434 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.53000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.53000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.21283694 -        0.04308434 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.53000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.31042537 -        0.10921239 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.53000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.53000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.31042537 -        0.10921239 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.53000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        0.50540941 -        0.29655466 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.53000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.53000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        0.50540941 -        0.29655466 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.53000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        1.00300177 -        1.13544340 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.53000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.53000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        1.00300177 -        1.13544340 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.53000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=      -13.18553931 -       35.86147565 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.53000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.53000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=      -13.18553930 -       35.86147575 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.11000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.29024019 +        0.06782149 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.11000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.11000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.29024019 +        0.06782149 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.11000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.40955113 +        0.04987285 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.11000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.11000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.40955113 +        0.04987285 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.11000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.62512660 -        0.01086790 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.11000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.11000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.62512660 -        0.01086790 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.11000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        1.08894250 -        0.23178173 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.11000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.11000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        1.08894250 -        0.23178173 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.11000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        2.48880691 -        1.44604110 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.11000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.11000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        2.48880691 -        1.44604109 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.11000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=       -2.28123223 -       72.55786500 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.11000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =       -0.11000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=       -2.28123208 -       72.55786521 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.31000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.58747774 +        0.49984636 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.31000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.31000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.58747774 +        0.49984636 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.31000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.88326090 +        0.59987477 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.31000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.31000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.88326090 +        0.59987477 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.31000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        1.45122735 +        0.71547022 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.31000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.31000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        1.45122735 +        0.71547022 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.31000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        2.78009887 +        0.75656958 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.31000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.31000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        2.78009887 +        0.75656957 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.31000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        7.43936440 -        0.37915027 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.31000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.31000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        7.43936440 -        0.37915027 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.31000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=       80.69749438 -      169.65059570 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.31000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.31000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=       80.69749522 -      169.65059445 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.73000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=       -0.36466073 +        5.02434782 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.73000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.73000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=       -0.36466073 +        5.02434783 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.73000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.25045444 +        6.96855414 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.73000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.73000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.25045444 +        6.96855415 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.73000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        1.83445700 +       10.40655669 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.73000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.73000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        1.83445700 +       10.40655671 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.73000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        6.74867193 +       17.56490943 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.73000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.73000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        6.74867196 +       17.56490944 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.73000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=       30.72011063 +       37.72207574 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.73000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.73000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=       30.72011079 +       37.72207541 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.73000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=     1205.18269065 -      229.94743026 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.73000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        0.73000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=     1205.18267883 -      229.94742592 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        1.15000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=     -231.64264345 +      298.32138294 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        1.15000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        1.15000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=     -231.64264335 +      298.32138301 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        1.15000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=     -274.09560534 +      445.19938044 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        1.15000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        1.15000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=     -274.09560516 +      445.19938056 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        1.15000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=     -318.20265223 +      725.56140478 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        1.15000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        1.15000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=     -318.20265174 +      725.56140503 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        1.15000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=     -309.20486975 +     1376.50166669 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        1.15000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        1.15000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=     -309.20486788 +     1376.50166725 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        1.15000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=      348.38961422 +     3630.78872636 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        1.15000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        1.15000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=      348.38961773 +     3630.78872635 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        1.15000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=    84754.75708932 +    35759.21573022 i
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        1.15000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        2.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        1.50000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        1.00000000
x =        1.15000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=    84754.75720515 +    35759.21571427 i
       x     y        absf1        exact relError absf1.forrey
1  -0.95 -0.95 9.657815e-02 9.657815e-02  0.0e+00 9.657815e-02
2  -0.95 -0.57 1.336846e-01 1.336846e-01  4.1e-14 1.336846e-01
3  -0.95 -0.19 2.025864e-01 2.025864e-01  3.8e-14 2.025864e-01
4  -0.95  0.19 3.607474e-01 3.607474e-01  4.2e-14 3.607474e-01
5  -0.95  0.57 9.326702e-01 9.326702e-01  3.6e-15 9.326702e-01
6  -0.95  0.95 2.352208e+01 2.352208e+01  1.8e-13 2.352208e+01
7  -0.53 -0.95 1.568791e-01 1.568791e-01  1.0e-14 1.568791e-01
8  -0.53 -0.57 2.171539e-01 2.171539e-01  2.7e-15 2.171539e-01
9  -0.53 -0.19 3.290764e-01 3.290764e-01  6.1e-15 3.290764e-01
10 -0.53  0.19 5.859892e-01 5.859892e-01  4.4e-15 5.859892e-01
11 -0.53  0.57 1.515006e+00 1.515006e+00  5.7e-15 1.515006e+00
12 -0.53  0.95 3.820869e+01 3.820869e+01  5.9e-14 3.820869e+01
13 -0.11 -0.95 2.980589e-01 2.980589e-01  1.6e-14 2.980589e-01
14 -0.11 -0.57 4.125766e-01 4.125766e-01  6.1e-15 4.125766e-01
15 -0.11 -0.19 6.252211e-01 6.252211e-01  1.1e-14 6.252211e-01
16 -0.11  0.19 1.113337e+00 1.113337e+00  2.2e-15 1.113337e+00
17 -0.11  0.57 2.878401e+00 2.878401e+00  3.1e-15 2.878401e+00
18 -0.11  0.95 7.259372e+01 7.259372e+01  7.4e-15 7.259372e+01
19  0.31 -0.95 7.713472e-01 7.713472e-01  3.6e-15 7.713472e-01
20  0.31 -0.57 1.067708e+00 1.067708e+00  4.2e-16 1.067708e+00
21  0.31 -0.19 1.618011e+00 1.618011e+00  8.1e-15 1.618011e+00
22  0.31  0.19 2.881206e+00 2.881206e+00  1.4e-15 2.881206e+00
23  0.31  0.57 7.449020e+00 7.449020e+00  1.3e-14 7.449020e+00
24  0.31  0.95 1.878654e+02 1.878654e+02  9.1e-14 1.878654e+02
25  0.73 -0.95 5.037564e+00 5.037564e+00  4.1e-15 5.037564e+00
26  0.73 -0.57 6.973053e+00 6.973053e+00  4.2e-14 6.973053e+00
27  0.73 -0.19 1.056701e+01 1.056701e+01  7.7e-15 1.056701e+01
28  0.73  0.19 1.881676e+01 1.881676e+01  5.7e-15 1.881676e+01
29  0.73  0.57 4.864854e+01 4.864854e+01  1.9e-14 4.864854e+01
30  0.73  0.95 1.226923e+03 1.226923e+03  2.1e-14 1.226923e+03
31  1.15 -0.95 3.776956e+02 3.776956e+02  2.2e-14 3.776956e+02
32  1.15 -0.57 5.228106e+02 5.228106e+02  6.5e-15 5.228106e+02
33  1.15 -0.19 7.922703e+02 7.922703e+02  1.0e-14 7.922703e+02
34  1.15  0.19 1.410803e+03 1.410803e+03  9.7e-15 1.410803e+03
35  1.15  0.57 3.647465e+03 3.647465e+03  2.1e-14 3.647465e+03
36  1.15  0.95 9.198962e+04 9.198962e+04  1.1e-14 9.198962e+04
1           9.657815e-02
2           1.336846e-01
3           2.025864e-01
4           3.607474e-01
5           9.326702e-01
6           2.352208e+01
7           1.568791e-01
8           2.171539e-01
9           3.290764e-01
10          5.859892e-01
11          1.515006e+00
12          3.820869e+01
13          2.980589e-01
14          4.125766e-01
15          6.252211e-01
16          1.113337e+00
17          2.878401e+00
18          7.259372e+01
19          7.713472e-01
20          1.067708e+00
21          1.618011e+00
22          2.881206e+00
23          7.449020e+00
24          1.878654e+02
25          5.037564e+00
26          6.973053e+00
27          1.056701e+01
28          1.881676e+01
29          4.864854e+01
30          1.226923e+03
31          3.776956e+02
32          5.228106e+02
33          7.922703e+02
34          1.410803e+03
35          3.647465e+03
36          9.198962e+04
 [1] -1.387779e-17 -7.731310e-11 -3.299280e-11  5.769624e-11  6.956247e-11
 [6]  2.852491e-08 -5.828699e-11 -7.427486e-11 -2.074457e-11  1.791245e-11
[11] -2.878557e-10 -9.041278e-08 -1.002841e-10 -2.790590e-11  5.627054e-11
[16]  6.660072e-11  6.721130e-10 -2.078493e-07 -1.263389e-11  8.462808e-11
[21]  9.686274e-11  1.079564e-09  3.294282e-09  7.684987e-07 -5.067774e-09
[26] -9.955923e-09 -1.780364e-08 -2.028771e-08  1.626411e-07  1.242705e-05
[31]  2.971149e-09 -2.289084e-09 -2.753541e-08 -1.371302e-07 -3.285791e-07
[36] -1.005194e-04
 [1] -1.387779e-17 -7.731310e-11 -3.299280e-11  5.769624e-11  6.956247e-11
 [6]  2.852491e-08 -5.828699e-11 -7.427486e-11 -2.074457e-11  1.791245e-11
[11] -2.878557e-10 -9.041278e-08 -1.002841e-10 -2.790590e-11  5.627054e-11
[16]  6.660072e-11  6.721130e-10 -2.078493e-07 -1.263389e-11  8.462808e-11
[21]  9.686274e-11  1.079564e-09  3.294282e-09  7.684987e-07 -5.067774e-09
[26] -9.955923e-09 -1.780364e-08 -2.028771e-08  1.626411e-07  1.242705e-05
[31]  2.971149e-09 -2.289084e-09 -2.753541e-08 -1.371302e-07 -3.285791e-07
[36] -1.005194e-04
[1] TRUE
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.51282051
But not returned due to user-specific flag
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.95000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.51282051
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.51282051
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.51282051
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.51282051
But not returned due to user-specific flag
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.95000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.51282051
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.51282051
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.51282051
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.95000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.55511021 -        0.01648038 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.55511021 -        0.01648038 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.95000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.55511021 -        0.01648038 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.55511021 -        0.01648038 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.95000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.60657997 -        0.04029521 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.60657997 -        0.04029521 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.95000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.60657997 -        0.04029521 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.60657997 -        0.04029521 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.95000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        0.67106139 -        0.07690045 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        0.67106139 -        0.07690045 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.95000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        0.67106139 -        0.07690045 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        0.67106139 -        0.07690045 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.95000000 y=        0.57000000
Error in appellf1(a = 1, b1 = 3 + (0+1i), b2 = 2 - (0+0.5i), c = 5 + (0+0.5i),  : 
  f1bnl: Series did not converge
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        0.75478345 -        0.13943779 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.95000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        0.75478345 -        0.13943779 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        0.75478345 -        0.13943779 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.95000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        0.86131787 -        0.27544806 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        0.86131787 -        0.27544806 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.95000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        0.86131787 -        0.27544806 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.95000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.95000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        0.86131787 -        0.27544806 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.57000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.58315303 +        0.01769786 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.57000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.58315303 +        0.01769786 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.57000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.58315303 +        0.01769786 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.57000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.58315303 +        0.01769786 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.63694268
But not returned due to user-specific flag
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.57000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.63694268
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.63694268
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.57000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.63694268
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.63694268
But not returned due to user-specific flag
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.57000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.63694268
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.63694268
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.57000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.63694268
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.57000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.70375114 -        0.02661445 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.57000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.70375114 -        0.02661445 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.57000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.70375114 -        0.02661445 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.57000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.70375114 -        0.02661445 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.57000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        0.78975450 -        0.06942084 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.57000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        0.78975450 -        0.06942084 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.57000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        0.78975450 -        0.06942084 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.57000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        0.78975450 -        0.06942084 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.57000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        0.90602813 -        0.14692267 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.57000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        0.90602813 -        0.14692267 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.57000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        0.90602813 -        0.14692267 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.57000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        0.90602813 -        0.14692267 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.57000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        1.06582044 -        0.33341024 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.57000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        1.06582044 -        0.33341024 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.57000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        1.06582044 -        0.33341024 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.57000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.57000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        1.06582044 -        0.33341024 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.19000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.67817044 +        0.04737647 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.19000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.67817044 +        0.04737647 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.19000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.67817044 +        0.04737647 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.19000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.67817044 +        0.04737647 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.19000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.74947389 +        0.02915233 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.19000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.74947389 +        0.02915233 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.19000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.74947389 +        0.02915233 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.19000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.74947389 +        0.02915233 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.84033613
But not returned due to user-specific flag
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.19000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.84033613
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.84033613
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.19000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.84033613
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.84033613
But not returned due to user-specific flag
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.19000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.84033613
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.84033613
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.19000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        0.84033613
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.19000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        0.96143312 -        0.05012249 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.19000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        0.96143312 -        0.05012249 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.19000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        0.96143312 -        0.05012249 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.19000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        0.96143312 -        0.05012249 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.19000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        1.13396727 -        0.14864984 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.19000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        1.13396727 -        0.14864984 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.19000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        1.13396727 -        0.14864984 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.19000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        1.13396727 -        0.14864984 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.19000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        1.39717165 -        0.42209078 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.19000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        1.39717165 -        0.42209078 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=       -0.19000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        1.39717165 -        0.42209078 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=       -0.19000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =       -0.19000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        1.39717165 -        0.42209078 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.19000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.81556976 +        0.10231983 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.19000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.81556976 +        0.10231983 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.19000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.81556976 +        0.10231983 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.19000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        0.81556976 +        0.10231983 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.19000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.91622294 +        0.08618189 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.19000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.91622294 +        0.08618189 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.19000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.91622294 +        0.08618189 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.19000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        0.91622294 +        0.08618189 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.19000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        1.04900333 +        0.05686941 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.19000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        1.04900333 +        0.05686941 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.19000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        1.04900333 +        0.05686941 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.19000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        1.04900333 +        0.05686941 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        1.23456790
But not returned due to user-specific flag
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.19000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        1.23456790
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        1.23456790
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.19000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        1.23456790
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        1.23456790
But not returned due to user-specific flag
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.19000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        1.23456790
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        1.23456790
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.19000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        1.23456790
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.19000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        1.51905761 -        0.12805330 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.19000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        1.51905761 -        0.12805330 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.19000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        1.51905761 -        0.12805330 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.19000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        1.51905761 -        0.12805330 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.19000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        2.02582598 -        0.57418033 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.19000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        2.02582598 -        0.57418033 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.19000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        2.02582598 -        0.57418033 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.19000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.19000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        2.02582598 -        0.57418033 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.57000000 y=       -0.95000000
Error in appellf1(a = 1, b1 = 3 + (0+1i), b2 = 2 - (0+0.5i), c = 5 + (0+0.5i),  : 
  f1bnl: Series did not converge
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.57000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        1.03878698 +        0.22527279 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.57000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        1.03878698 +        0.22527279 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.57000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        1.03878698 +        0.22527279 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.57000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        1.19767225 +        0.22248395 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.57000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        1.19767225 +        0.22248395 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.57000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        1.19767225 +        0.22248395 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.57000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        1.19767225 +        0.22248395 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.57000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        1.41868419 +        0.20666594 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.57000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        1.41868419 +        0.20666594 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.57000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        1.41868419 +        0.20666594 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.57000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        1.41868419 +        0.20666594 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.57000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        1.75136257 +        0.15751354 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.57000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        1.75136257 +        0.15751354 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.57000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        1.75136257 +        0.15751354 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.57000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        1.75136257 +        0.15751354 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        2.32558140
But not returned due to user-specific flag
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.57000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        2.32558140
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        2.32558140
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.57000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        2.32558140
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        2.32558140
But not returned due to user-specific flag
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.57000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        2.32558140
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        2.32558140
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.57000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        2.32558140
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.57000000 y=        0.95000000
Error in appellf1(a = 1, b1 = 3 + (0+1i), b2 = 2 - (0+0.5i), c = 5 + (0+0.5i),  : 
  f1bnl: Series did not converge
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.57000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        3.67383431 -        0.88803584 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.57000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        3.67383431 -        0.88803584 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.57000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.57000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=        3.67383431 -        0.88803584 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.95000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        1.50280745 +        0.72792842 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.95000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        1.50280745 +        0.72792842 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.95000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        1.50280745 +        0.72792842 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.95000000 y=       -0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =       -0.95000000
f1=        1.50280745 +        0.72792842 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.95000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        1.83947008 +        0.85076952 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.95000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        1.83947008 +        0.85076952 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.95000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        1.83947008 +        0.85076952 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.95000000 y=       -0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =       -0.57000000
f1=        1.83947008 +        0.85076952 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.95000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        2.36922028 +        1.02477796 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.95000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        2.36922028 +        1.02477796 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.95000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        2.36922028 +        1.02477796 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.95000000 y=       -0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =       -0.19000000
f1=        2.36922028 +        1.02477796 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.95000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        3.32663298 +        1.28902059 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.95000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        3.32663299 +        1.28902059 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.95000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        3.32663298 +        1.28902059 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.95000000 y=        0.19000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =        0.19000000
f1=        3.32663299 +        1.28902059 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.95000000 y=        0.57000000
Error in appellf1(a = 1, b1 = 3 + (0+1i), b2 = 2 - (0+0.5i), c = 5 + (0+0.5i),  : 
  f1bnl: Series did not converge
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.95000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        5.60110235 +        1.71362174 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.95000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        5.60110235 +        1.71362175 i
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.95000000 y=        0.57000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =        0.57000000
f1=        5.60110235 +        1.71362174 i
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=       20.00000000
But not returned due to user-specific flag
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.95000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=       20.00000000
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=       20.00000000
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.95000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=       20.00000000
Using user-specified flag 2 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=       20.00000000
But not returned due to user-specific flag
B&Ch Series:     x=        0.95000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=       20.00000000
Using user-specified flag 1 for the computation
Simple transformations possible: 
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=       20.00000000
But not returned due to user-specific flag
ODE Integr.:     x=        0.95000000 y=        0.95000000
a =        1.00000000
b1=        3.00000000 +        1.00000000 i
b2=        2.00000000 -        0.50000000 i
c =        5.00000000 +        0.50000000 i
x =        0.95000000
y =        0.95000000
f1=       20.00000000
       x     y      f1ser      f1int    f1exact relErrorser relErrorint
1  -0.95 -0.95  0.5128205  0.5128205  0.5128205     0.0e+00     0.0e+00
2  -0.95 -0.57  0.5553548  0.5553548  0.5553548     1.2e-14     2.9e-12
3  -0.95 -0.19  0.6079169  0.6079169  0.6079169     8.5e-15     3.1e-12
4  -0.95  0.19  0.6754532  0.6754532  0.6754532     2.1e-14     2.4e-12
5  -0.95  0.57  0.7675552  0.7675552  0.7675552     1.8e-14     1.8e-12
6  -0.95  0.95  0.9042898  0.9042898  0.9042898     5.5e-14     4.1e-12
7  -0.57 -0.95  0.5834215  0.5834215  0.5834215     6.4e-15     6.4e-12
8  -0.57 -0.57  0.6369427  0.6369427  0.6369427     0.0e+00     0.0e+00
9  -0.57 -0.19  0.7042542  0.7042542  0.7042542     1.6e-15     8.3e-13
10 -0.57  0.19  0.7927997  0.7927997  0.7927997     5.7e-15     5.0e-13
11 -0.57  0.57  0.9178634  0.9178634  0.9178634     2.3e-14     6.0e-13
12 -0.57  0.95  1.1167523  1.1167523  1.1167523     4.7e-14     3.7e-12
13 -0.19 -0.95  0.6798233  0.6798233  0.6798233     4.3e-15     3.8e-12
14 -0.19 -0.57  0.7500406  0.7500406  0.7500406     8.8e-16     3.6e-13
15 -0.19 -0.19  0.8403361  0.8403361  0.8403361     0.0e+00     0.0e+00
16 -0.19  0.19  0.9627388  0.9627388  0.9627388     1.0e-15     4.1e-15
17 -0.19  0.57  1.1436689  1.1436689  1.1436689     6.2e-15     9.4e-13
18 -0.19  0.95  1.4595373  1.4595373  1.4595373     7.2e-15     1.8e-12
19  0.19 -0.95  0.8219631  0.8219631  0.8219631     5.5e-15     8.4e-13
20  0.19 -0.57  0.9202672  0.9202672  0.9202672     2.4e-16     1.6e-13
21  0.19 -0.19  1.0505437  1.0505437  1.0505437     7.2e-19     1.8e-13
22  0.19  0.19  1.2345679  1.2345679  1.2345679     0.0e+00     0.0e+00
23  0.19  0.57  1.5244454  1.5244454  1.5244454     7.6e-15     1.4e-11
24  0.19  0.95  2.1056244  2.1056244  2.1056244     6.8e-15     3.2e-11
25  0.57 -0.95  1.0629328  1.0629328  1.0629328     7.0e-15     4.8e-12
26  0.57 -0.57  1.2181617  1.2181617  1.2181617     3.5e-15     8.5e-12
27  0.57 -0.19  1.4336581  1.4336581  1.4336581     5.9e-15     1.0e-11
28  0.57  0.19  1.7584315  1.7584315  1.7584315     1.3e-15     2.0e-11
29  0.57  0.57  2.3255814  2.3255814  2.3255814     0.0e+00     0.0e+00
30  0.57  0.95  3.7796384  3.7796384  3.7796384     2.3e-14     7.0e-12
31  0.95 -0.95  1.6698233  1.6698233  1.6698233     4.0e-14     3.3e-11
32  0.95 -0.57  2.0266867  2.0266867  2.0266867     1.2e-14     6.4e-12
33  0.95 -0.19  2.5813513  2.5813513  2.5813513     1.3e-14     1.4e-10
34  0.95  0.19  3.5676408  3.5676408  3.5676408     2.0e-14     1.6e-10
35  0.95  0.57  5.8573754  5.8573754  5.8573754     1.8e-16     4.9e-11
36  0.95  0.95 20.0000000 20.0000000 20.0000000     0.0e+00     0.0e+00
   f1ser.forrey f1int.forrey f1ser.michel.stoitsov f1int.michel.stoitsov
1     0.5128205    0.5128205             0.5128205             0.5128205
2     0.5553548    0.5553548             0.5553548             0.5553548
3     0.6079169    0.6079169             0.6079169             0.6079169
4     0.6754532    0.6754532             0.6754532             0.6754532
5            NA    0.7675552             0.7675552             0.7675552
6     0.9042898    0.9042898             0.9042898             0.9042898
7     0.5834215    0.5834215             0.5834215             0.5834215
8     0.6369427    0.6369427             0.6369427             0.6369427
9     0.7042542    0.7042542             0.7042542             0.7042542
10    0.7927997    0.7927997             0.7927997             0.7927997
11    0.9178634    0.9178634             0.9178634             0.9178634
12    1.1167523    1.1167523             1.1167523             1.1167523
13    0.6798233    0.6798233             0.6798233             0.6798233
14    0.7500406    0.7500406             0.7500406             0.7500406
15    0.8403361    0.8403361             0.8403361             0.8403361
16    0.9627388    0.9627388             0.9627388             0.9627388
17    1.1436689    1.1436689             1.1436689             1.1436689
18    1.4595373    1.4595373             1.4595373             1.4595373
19    0.8219631    0.8219631             0.8219631             0.8219631
20    0.9202672    0.9202672             0.9202672             0.9202672
21    1.0505437    1.0505437             1.0505437             1.0505437
22    1.2345679    1.2345679             1.2345679             1.2345679
23    1.5244454    1.5244454             1.5244454             1.5244454
24    2.1056244    2.1056244             2.1056244             2.1056244
25           NA    1.0629328             1.0629328             1.0629328
26    1.2181617    1.2181617             1.2181617             1.2181617
27    1.4336581    1.4336581             1.4336581             1.4336581
28    1.7584315    1.7584315             1.7584315             1.7584315
29    2.3255814    2.3255814             2.3255814             2.3255814
30           NA    3.7796384             3.7796384             3.7796384
31    1.6698234    1.6698234             1.6698234             1.6698234
32    2.0266867    2.0266867             2.0266867             2.0266867
33    2.5813513    2.5813513             2.5813513             2.5813513
34    3.5676408    3.5676408             3.5676408             3.5676408
35           NA    5.8573754             5.8573754             5.8573754
36   20.0000000   20.0000000            20.0000000            20.0000000
 [1] -2.820513e-09 -7.263994e-10  2.782268e-09 -2.546030e-09 -2.319561e-09
 [6]  1.388655e-09 -4.115651e-09  4.840764e-09  3.791811e-10 -3.339055e-09
[11] -3.408551e-09  1.622042e-09 -7.390968e-10  9.480156e-10 -4.453782e-09
[16]  4.477577e-09 -2.001055e-10 -3.396438e-09  2.073955e-10 -1.519112e-09
[21]  1.499680e-10 -1.234568e-09 -2.390451e-09 -1.506741e-10 -2.213227e-09
[26] -4.819393e-09  8.222332e-10  2.595885e-09  4.651163e-09 -2.524692e-11
[31] -2.787399e-09 -6.845848e-10  1.974555e-09  2.620819e-10 -4.354237e-09
[36]  2.131628e-14
 [1] -2.820513e-09 -7.248049e-10  2.784143e-09 -2.544432e-09 -2.318165e-09
 [6]  1.392379e-09 -4.111900e-09  4.840764e-09  3.797636e-10 -3.338655e-09
[11] -3.407983e-09  1.626240e-09 -7.364915e-10  9.482871e-10 -4.453782e-09
[16]  4.477580e-09 -1.990288e-10 -3.393897e-09  2.080860e-10 -1.518966e-09
[21]  1.501583e-10 -1.234568e-09 -2.369186e-09 -8.296164e-11 -2.208157e-09
[26] -4.809033e-09  8.365884e-10  2.630412e-09  4.651163e-09 -5.180834e-11
[31] -2.732633e-09 -6.976073e-10  1.621688e-09 -3.262288e-10 -4.642867e-09
[36]  2.131628e-14
 [1]  0.000000e+00 -3.441691e-15 -3.663736e-15 -5.107026e-15            NA
 [6] -8.437695e-15 -1.554312e-15  0.000000e+00 -1.443290e-15 -2.664535e-15
[11] -5.218048e-15 -4.884981e-15 -1.110223e-16  1.110223e-16  0.000000e+00
[16] -1.443290e-15  4.662937e-15 -2.886580e-15  2.220446e-16  7.771561e-16
[21]  6.661338e-16  0.000000e+00  6.816769e-14 -8.881784e-16            NA
[26] -1.472156e-13  2.864375e-14 -1.645351e-13  0.000000e+00            NA
[31] -6.217249e-15 -3.552714e-15 -8.881784e-16  4.440892e-16            NA
[36]  0.000000e+00
 [1]  0.000000e+00 -3.330669e-16 -2.220446e-16 -3.330669e-16 -2.220446e-16
 [6]  3.330669e-16 -7.771561e-16  0.000000e+00 -1.110223e-16 -3.330669e-16
[11] -1.110223e-15 -8.881784e-16  4.440892e-16  2.220446e-16  0.000000e+00
[16] -5.551115e-16  4.440892e-16 -8.881784e-16  6.661338e-16 -2.220446e-16
[21]  4.440892e-16  0.000000e+00  6.661338e-16  1.332268e-15  4.440892e-16
[26]  2.220446e-16 -4.440892e-16  6.661338e-16  0.000000e+00  3.108624e-15
[31]  1.554312e-15 -8.881784e-16  6.217249e-15  8.881784e-16  2.664535e-15
[36]  0.000000e+00
      x    y        f1  hypergeo     exact relErrorf1 relErrorhypergeo
1  -3.5 -3.5 2.1213203 2.1213203 2.1213203    0.0e+00          0.0e+00
2  -3.5 -2.5 2.0404098 2.0404098 2.0404099    5.2e-08          5.2e-08
3  -3.5 -1.5 1.9540118 1.9540118 1.9540119    5.2e-08          5.2e-08
4  -3.5 -0.5 1.8603546 1.8603556 1.8603557    5.8e-07          5.2e-08
5  -3.5  0.5 1.7559818 1.7559818 1.7559819    7.8e-08          5.2e-08
6  -3.5  1.5 1.6291784 1.6291784 1.6291785    5.9e-08          5.2e-08
7  -3.5  2.5 1.4854853 1.4854853 1.4854854    6.3e-08          5.2e-08
8  -3.5  3.5 1.3549941 1.3549941 1.3549942    9.5e-08          5.2e-08
9  -2.5 -3.5 1.9569783 1.9569783 1.9569785    5.2e-08          5.2e-08
10 -2.5 -2.5 1.8708287 1.8708287 1.8708287    0.0e+00          0.0e+00
11 -2.5 -1.5 1.7782492 1.7782492 1.7782493    5.2e-08          5.2e-08
12 -2.5 -0.5 1.6770014 1.6770036 1.6770036    1.3e-06          5.2e-08
13 -2.5  0.5 1.5625705 1.5625706 1.5625707    9.8e-08          5.2e-08
14 -2.5  1.5 1.4187240 1.4187240 1.4187241    5.9e-08          5.2e-08
15 -2.5  2.5 1.2585706 1.2585706 1.2585707    7.1e-08          5.2e-08
16 -2.5  3.5 1.1251336 1.1251337 1.1251338    1.6e-07          5.2e-08
17 -1.5 -3.5 1.7747179 1.7747179 1.7747179    5.2e-08          5.2e-08
18 -1.5 -2.5 1.6818219 1.6818219 1.6818220    5.2e-08          5.2e-08
19 -1.5 -1.5 1.5811388 1.5811388 1.5811388    0.0e+00          0.0e+00
20 -1.5 -0.5 1.4696939 1.4696939 1.4696939    5.2e-08          5.2e-08
21 -1.5  0.5 1.3411858 1.3411859 1.3411860    1.6e-07          5.2e-08
22 -1.5  1.5 1.1712608 1.1712608 1.1712609    5.9e-08          5.2e-08
23 -1.5  2.5 0.9924716 0.9924717 0.9924717    1.1e-07          5.2e-08
24 -1.5  3.5 0.8692267 0.8692270 0.8692270    4.0e-07          5.2e-08
25 -0.5 -3.5 1.5657739 1.5657885 1.5657886    9.4e-06          5.2e-08
26 -0.5 -2.5 1.4635010 1.4635185 1.4635186    1.2e-05          5.2e-08
27 -0.5 -1.5 1.3512792 1.3512792 1.3512792    5.2e-08          5.2e-08
28 -0.5 -0.5 1.2247449 1.2247449 1.2247449    0.0e+00          0.0e+00
29 -0.5  0.5 1.0740768 1.0740768 1.0740769    5.2e-08          5.2e-08
30 -0.5  1.5 0.8576453 0.8576454 0.8576454    6.3e-08          5.2e-08
31 -0.5  2.5 0.6733001 0.6733003 0.6733004    4.0e-07          5.2e-08
32 -0.5  3.5 0.6159896 0.6159906 0.6159906    1.7e-06          5.2e-08
33  0.5 -3.5 1.3081393 1.3081475 1.3081476    6.3e-06          5.2e-08
34  0.5 -2.5 1.1904648 1.1904726 1.1904726    6.6e-06          5.2e-08
35  0.5 -1.5 1.0583356 1.0583432 1.0583433    7.2e-06          5.2e-08
36  0.5 -0.5 0.9040084 0.9040084 0.9040085    5.2e-08          5.2e-08
37  0.5  0.5 0.7071068 0.7071068 0.7071068    0.0e+00          0.0e+00
38  0.5  1.5 0.3887300 0.3887301 0.3887301    4.0e-07          5.2e-08
39  0.5  2.5 0.4242622 0.4242641 0.4242641    4.4e-06          5.2e-08
40  0.5  3.5 0.6036891 0.6036923 0.6036924    5.5e-06          5.2e-08
41  1.5 -3.5 0.9208639 0.9208692 0.9208692    5.7e-06          5.2e-08
42  1.5 -2.5 0.7720780 0.7720823 0.7720824    5.7e-06          5.2e-08
43  1.5 -1.5 0.6036891 0.6036923 0.6036924    5.5e-06          5.2e-08
44  1.5 -0.5 0.4242622 0.4242641 0.4242641    4.5e-06          5.2e-08
45  1.5  0.5 0.3887300 0.3887301 0.3887301    4.0e-07          5.2e-08
46  1.5  1.5 0.7071068 0.7071068 0.7071068    0.0e+00          0.0e+00
47  1.5  2.5 0.9040000 0.9040084 0.9040085    9.4e-06          5.2e-08
48  1.5  3.5 1.0583356 1.0583432 1.0583433    7.2e-06          5.2e-08
49  2.5 -3.5 0.7348438 0.7348469 0.7348470    4.4e-06          5.2e-08
50  2.5 -2.5 0.6518329 0.6518350 0.6518350    3.3e-06          5.2e-08
51  2.5 -1.5 0.6159896 0.6159906 0.6159906    1.7e-06          5.2e-08
52  2.5 -0.5 0.6733001 0.6733003 0.6733004    4.0e-07          5.2e-08
53  2.5  0.5 0.8576453 0.8576454 0.8576454    6.3e-08          5.2e-08
54  2.5  1.5 1.0740762 1.0740768 1.0740769    5.8e-07          5.2e-08
55  2.5  2.5 1.2247449 1.2247449 1.2247449    0.0e+00          0.0e+00
56  2.5  3.5 1.3512792 1.3512792 1.3512792    5.2e-08          5.2e-08
57  3.5 -3.5 0.7969313 0.7969329 0.7969329    2.0e-06          5.2e-08
58  3.5 -2.5 0.8069137 0.8069146 0.8069146    1.1e-06          5.2e-08
59  3.5 -1.5 0.8692267 0.8692270 0.8692270    4.0e-07          5.2e-08
60  3.5 -0.5 0.9924716 0.9924717 0.9924717    1.1e-07          5.2e-08
61  3.5  0.5 1.1712608 1.1712608 1.1712609    5.9e-08          5.2e-08
62  3.5  1.5 1.3411858 1.3411859 1.3411860    1.6e-07          5.2e-08
63  3.5  2.5 1.4696939 1.4696939 1.4696939    5.2e-08          5.2e-08
64  3.5  3.5 1.5811388 1.5811388 1.5811388    0.0e+00          0.0e+00
   f1.forrey f1.michel.stoitsov flag
1  2.1213203          2.1213203    5
2  2.0404098          2.0404098   30
3  1.9540118          1.9540118   30
4  1.8603546          1.8603546   24
5  1.7559818          1.7559818   24
6  1.6291784          1.6291784   26
7  1.4854853          1.4854853   28
8  1.3549941          1.3549941   27
9  1.9569783          1.9569783   29
10 1.8708287          1.8708287    5
11 1.7782492          1.7782492   30
12 1.6770014          1.6770014   24
13 1.5625705          1.5625705   24
14 1.4187240          1.4187240   26
15 1.2585706          1.2585706   27
16 1.1251336          1.1251336   27
17 1.7747179          1.7747179   29
18 1.6818219          1.6818219   29
19 1.5811388          1.5811388    5
20 1.4696938          1.4696938   15
21 1.3411858          1.3411858   24
22 1.1712608          1.1712608   26
23 0.9924716          0.9924716   27
24 0.8692267          0.8692267   27
25 1.5657739          1.5657739   23
26 1.4635010          1.4635010   23
27 1.3512792          1.3512792   15
28 1.2247449          1.2247449    5
29 1.0740768          1.0740768    1
30 0.8576453          0.8576453   23
31 0.6733001          0.6733001   23
32 0.6159896          0.6159896   23
33 1.3081393          1.3081393   23
34 1.1904648          1.1904648   23
35 1.0583356          1.0583356   23
36 0.9040084          0.9040084    1
37 0.7071068          0.7071068    5
38 0.3887300          0.3887300   21
39 0.4242622          0.4242622   23
40 0.6036891          0.6036891   23
41 0.9208639          0.9208639   25
42 0.7720780          0.7720780   25
43 0.6036891          0.6036891   25
44 0.4242622          0.4242622   24
45 0.3887300          0.3887300   21
46 0.7071068          0.7071068    5
47 0.9040000          0.9040000   25
48 1.0583356          1.0583356   25
49 0.7348438          0.7348438   27
50 0.6518329          0.6518329   27
51 0.6159896          0.6159896   28
52 0.6733001          0.6733001   24
53 0.8576453          0.8576453   24
54 1.0740762          1.0740762   26
55 1.2247449          1.2247449    5
56 1.3512792          1.3512792   29
57 0.7969313          0.7969313   27
58 0.8069137          0.8069137   28
59 0.8692267          0.8692267   28
60 0.9924716          0.9924716   24
61 1.1712608          1.1712608   24
62 1.3411858          1.3411858   26
63 1.4696938          1.4696938   30
64 1.5811388          1.5811388    5
 [1] -3.559643e-09 -4.375260e-09 -4.804723e-09  2.135833e-09 -3.871570e-09
 [6]  1.918339e-09 -4.101310e-09 -3.857204e-09 -4.510071e-09 -3.386971e-09
[11]  4.041711e-09 -3.437250e-09 -2.188882e-10  3.014655e-09 -3.664244e-09
[16] -1.291924e-10 -2.400572e-09  4.330529e-10 -8.418977e-11  4.330088e-09
[21] -3.510827e-10  2.320131e-09  3.319400e-09  1.747332e-09 -1.846113e-09
[26] -4.196480e-09  1.505793e-09 -1.391589e-09 -1.273498e-09  4.080365e-09
[31]  2.463678e-09  4.179363e-09 -2.358714e-09  3.433238e-09  3.222824e-10
[36] -7.246094e-10 -1.186548e-09  7.795992e-10 -5.261367e-10  2.054128e-10
[41]  3.060850e-09 -3.571810e-10  2.054127e-10 -3.207046e-09  7.795991e-10
[46] -1.186548e-09 -3.720943e-09  3.222824e-10  3.675723e-09  1.361306e-09
[51]  3.076607e-10 -1.755434e-09  4.026372e-09  5.879603e-10 -1.391589e-09
[56]  1.505779e-09  2.861774e-09  3.564501e-09 -7.895726e-10  4.411510e-09
[61]  2.320133e-09 -3.510792e-10  4.330087e-09 -8.418977e-11
 [1]  0.000000e+00 -3.108624e-15 -4.662937e-15 -3.774758e-15 -1.332268e-15
 [6]  0.000000e+00  4.218847e-15 -1.110223e-15 -1.332268e-15  0.000000e+00
[11] -1.554312e-15 -5.329071e-15 -2.664535e-15  0.000000e+00 -8.881784e-16
[16] -1.110223e-15 -9.992007e-15 -1.998401e-15  0.000000e+00 -3.108624e-15
[21] -4.662937e-15  2.220446e-16 -7.771561e-16  0.000000e+00 -2.220446e-15
[26] -7.549517e-15  9.325873e-15  0.000000e+00  4.440892e-16 -7.771561e-16
[31] -5.551115e-16  2.109424e-15  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00
[36]  5.551115e-16  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  2.775558e-16  1.110223e-16
[41]  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  1.110223e-16 -3.885781e-16  0.000000e+00
[46]  0.000000e+00 -1.221245e-15  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00  0.000000e+00
[51]  3.774758e-15  2.109424e-15  1.665335e-15 -1.776357e-15  0.000000e+00
[56] -5.329071e-15  0.000000e+00  5.107026e-15  4.107825e-15  2.775558e-15
[61]  1.776357e-15 -1.110223e-15 -4.440892e-15  0.000000e+00
      x    y flag
1  -3.5 -3.5    5
2  -3.5 -2.5   30
3  -3.5 -1.5   30
4  -3.5 -0.5   24
5  -3.5  0.5   24
6  -3.5  1.5   26
7  -3.5  2.5   28
8  -3.5  3.5   27
9  -2.5 -3.5   29
10 -2.5 -2.5    5
11 -2.5 -1.5   30
12 -2.5 -0.5   24
13 -2.5  0.5   24
14 -2.5  1.5   26
15 -2.5  2.5   27
16 -2.5  3.5   27
17 -1.5 -3.5   29
18 -1.5 -2.5   29
19 -1.5 -1.5    5
20 -1.5 -0.5   15
21 -1.5  0.5   24
22 -1.5  1.5   26
23 -1.5  2.5   27
24 -1.5  3.5   27
25 -0.5 -3.5   23
26 -0.5 -2.5   23
27 -0.5 -1.5   15
28 -0.5 -0.5    5
29 -0.5  0.5    1
30 -0.5  1.5   23
31 -0.5  2.5   23
32 -0.5  3.5   23
33  0.5 -3.5   23
34  0.5 -2.5   23
35  0.5 -1.5   23
36  0.5 -0.5    1
37  0.5  0.5    5
38  0.5  1.5   21
39  0.5  2.5   23
40  0.5  3.5   23
41  1.5 -3.5   25
42  1.5 -2.5   25
43  1.5 -1.5   25
44  1.5 -0.5   24
45  1.5  0.5   21
46  1.5  1.5    5
47  1.5  2.5   25
48  1.5  3.5   25
49  2.5 -3.5   27
50  2.5 -2.5   27
51  2.5 -1.5   28
52  2.5 -0.5   24
53  2.5  0.5   24
54  2.5  1.5   26
55  2.5  2.5    5
56  2.5  3.5   29
57  3.5 -3.5   27
58  3.5 -2.5   28
59  3.5 -1.5   28
60  3.5 -0.5   24
61  3.5  0.5   24
62  3.5  1.5   26
63  3.5  2.5   30
64  3.5  3.5    5

appell documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:51 a.m.