Suspicious orders detection

The DEA is purposefully vague in how it defines what is a suspicious amount of opioids ordered by a buyer.

But in a recent lawsuit, a former DEA agent described five methodologies:

This vignette will show how to analyze one pharamacy's ordering patterns to identify suspicious orders using the first two listed methodologies.

options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE)

  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

# Uncomment and run the lines below to see if you have the packages required already installed
# packages <- c("dplyr", "ggplot2", "jsonlite", "knitr", "geofacet", "scales", "zoo", "knitr")
# if (length(setdiff(packages, rownames(installed.packages()))) > 0) {
#   install.packages(setdiff(packages, rownames(installed.packages())), repos = "") # }


We're going to look at a Walgreens pharmacy in Oviedo that was part of a half dozen pharmacies in Florida sanctioned by the DEA in 2011 for suspicious activity. The Post later determined at the height of the opioid crisis, Walgreens handled nearly one in five of the most addictive opioids.


First, we need to find the BUYER_DEA_NO for that store. All we know of this specific pharmacy is the city and the address: Oviedo and Lockwood Boulevard.

Let's load up the data on buyers. The city of Oviedo is in Seminole County, Florida. Let's search based on that.

pharm <- buyer_addresses(county = "Seminole", state="FL", key="WaPo")

pharm <- readRDS("data/seminole_pharms.RDS")


Okay, we have 468 pharmacies in Seminole County. Are there any on Lockwood?

pharm <- filter(pharm, 
                grepl("LOCKWOOD", BUYER_ADDRESS1))


Okay, we have four. And there are two that specifically Walgreens.

It's either BW8487438 or FW4552091. They both have the same address.

pharmacy_raw(buyer_dea_no = "FW4552091", key = "WaPo") returns an error from the ARCOS api, so BW8487438 must be the correct BUYER_DEA__NO.

pharm1 <- pharmacy_raw(buyer_dea_no = "BW8487438", key = "WaPo")

pharm1 <- readRDS("data/solo_pharm.RDS")


These are the raw results from this one pharmacy. More than 4,000 orders.

Let's narrow this list down to only Oxycodone and by month.

# consolidating by month

pharm_monthly <- pharm1 %>% 
  # setting transactio code to S because those are purchases
  filter(TRANSACTION_CODE=="S") %>% 
  filter(DRUG_NAME=="OXYCODONE") %>% 
         month_date=mdy(paste0(month, "/1/", year))) %>% 
  group_by(year, month, month_date) %>% 

Maximum Monthly, Trailing 6 Month Threshold

We use the lag() function to pull six months of pill orders prior and then keep the largest order from that list.

# Slices out the max orders within a window of 6 months prior to the current month
monthly_drug_six <- pharm_monthly %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  arrange(month_date) %>% 
  mutate(lag1=lag(pills, 1),
         lag2=lag(pills, 2),
         lag3=lag(pills, 3),
         lag4=lag(pills, 4),
         lag5=lag(pills, 5),
         lag6=lag(pills, 6)
  ) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols=5:10, names_to="lag", values_to="total") %>% 
  group_by(year, month, pills, month_date) %>% 
  arrange(desc(total)) %>% 
  slice(1)  %>% 

# creating a column that indicates if a monthly dosage exceeds the 6 month max prior

monthly_drug_six <- monthly_drug_six %>% 
         pills > total ~ T,
         TRUE ~ F))

#monthly_drug_six$trail_six_max_flag <- ifelse(monthly_drug_six$pills > monthly_drug_six$total, 1, 0)
ggplot(monthly_drug_six, aes(x=month_date, y=pills)) +
  geom_col(fill="cadetblue3") +
  geom_step(aes(x=month_date, y=total, fill="Maximum 6 month order"), color="tomato", opacity=.6)+
    scale_y_continuous(label=comma) +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(title="Monthly oxycodone pill orders from a Walgreens pharmacy in Oviedo, FL",
       subtitle='As compared to the DEA suspicious "exceeds the 6-month maximum" order criteria')

How often did this store's orders exceed the 6-month max order?


2x Trailing 12 Month average

Next, we'll determing what double the trailing 12-month average is.

# we'll use the rollmean() function from the zoo package

rolling <- pharm_monthly %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  arrange(month_date) %>% 
  mutate(avg_pills = zoo::rollmean(pills, k = 12, fill = NA, align="right")) %>% 
  mutate(avg_pills_2x=avg_pills*2) %>% 
    avg_pills_2x<pills ~ T,
    TRUE ~ F


ggplot(rolling, aes(x=month_date, y=pills)) +
  geom_col(fill="cadetblue3") +
  geom_step(aes(x=month_date, y=avg_pills_2x, fill="Double the 12 month rolling average"), direction="mid",color="tomato", opacity=.06) +
  scale_y_continuous(label=comma) +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(title="Monthly oxycodone pill orders from a Walgreens pharmacy in Oviedo, FL",
       subtitle='As compared to the DEA suspicious "double the 12-month rolling average" order criteria')

How often did this store's orders exceed double the 12-month rolling average?


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arcos documentation built on Feb. 19, 2021, 1:06 a.m.