Man pages for arcos
Load ARCOS Prescription Data Prepared by the Washington Post

arcos'arcos' package
buyer_addressesGet DEA designated addresses for each pharmacy based on...
buyer_detailsGet monthly summarized pill totals by county
buyer_listGet list of business types listed in the BUYER_BUS_ACT in the...
combined_buyer_annualGet annual total pills for each buyer (pharmacy, etc) in a...
combined_buyer_monthlyGet annual total pills for each buyer (pharmacy, etc) in a...
county_listGet dataframe of counties, states, and fips codes that are...
county_populationGet annual population for counties between 2006 and 2014
county_rawDownload raw prescription data for specified county (by state...
county_raw_fipsDownload raw prescription data for specified county (by...
drug_county_bizDownload raw prescription data for individual drugs and...
drug_fips_bizDownload raw prescription data for individual drugs and...
drug_listGet list of drugs available in the ARCOS database
not_pharmaciesGet list of misidentified pharmacies by BUYER_DEA_NOs
pharmacy_rawDownload raw prescription data for specified pharmacy (by...
pharm_cbsaGet the core-based statistical area GEOID for each pharmacy...
pharm_countiesGet county GEOID for each pharmacy based on BUYER_DEA_NO...
pharm_latlonGet latitude and longitude data for each pharmacy based on...
pharm_tractsGet census tract GEOID for each pharmacy based on...
raw_dataRaw ARCOS data (Warning 130+ GB file) Warning: May not fit on...
reporter_addressesGet DEA designated addresses for each Reporter based on...
state_populationGet annual population for states between 2006 and 2014
summarized_county_annualGet annual summarized pill totals by county
summarized_county_monthlyGet monthly summarized pill totals by county
total_distributors_countyGet total pills for each distributor in a county
total_distributors_stateGet total pills for each distributor in a state
total_manufacturers_countyGet total pills for each manufacturer in a county
total_manufacturers_stateGet total pills for each manufacturer in a state
total_pharmacies_countyGet total pills for each pharmacy in a county
total_pharmacies_stateGet total pills for each pharmacy in a state
arcos documentation built on Feb. 19, 2021, 1:06 a.m.