
Using ascii casts in GitHub README files

GitHub READMEs do not allow custom JavaScript code, so we cannot use HTML widgets in them. But they do allow SVG images, which can also be animated. This is file is an example README. See the source Rmd file.

First we need to initialize the asciicast engine, as usual:

```{r echo = FALSE, results = "hide"}

Now we are ready to include casts. The current default is to create a snapshot of the screen after the code has run:

Still screenshots

To include a snapshot instead of an animation, the at option must be set to "end", but that is the default currently:

```{asciicast, cache = TRUE}
# This is an asciicast example

Proper ASCII casts

To use animated casts instead of screen shots, we need to set the at option to all. We also set end_wait to wait five second before restarting the animation. By default asciicast creates animated SVG files:

```{asciicast, cache = TRUE}
#' Rows: 10
#' End_wait: 5
#' At: all
# This is an asciicast example

ANSI colors

asciicast supports 256 ANSI colors, and ANSI support is automatically enabled in the asciicast subprocess:

```{asciicast, cache = TRUE}

Try the asciicast package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

asciicast documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:24 a.m.