Man pages for asht
Applied Statistical Hypothesis Tests

abcnonHtestNonparametric ABC (Approximate Bootstrap Confidence)...
ama1c1cpgThree arm phase 1 malaria vaccine trial
anovaOneWayOne-Way ANOVA
asht-packageApplied Statistical Hypothesis Tests
bfControlAlgorithm control arguments for Behrens-Fisher test
bfTestBehrens-Fisher Test
cvTestCoefficient of Variation Test
latentTransformTransform Mann-Whiteny parameter to latent Mann-Whitney...
meldCDMeld Two Confidence Distributions
meldtTestMeld t Test
metaNormMeta analysis of normally distributed parameters with assumed...
methodRuleWMWFunction to pick the method for 'wmwTest' given the data and...
pbfBehrens-Fisher distribution
prevSeSpEstimate prevalence with confidence interval accounting for...
quantileTestTests and Confidence Intervals about a Quantile.
signTestExact Sign Test with Confidence Intervals
simulateSSSimulate sample sizes
tukeyWelschTukey-Welsch Pairwise Tests
var1TestOne Sample Test of Normal Variance
VpoVariance for estimated Mann-Whitney parameter under...
wmwControlArguments passed to wmwTest.
wmwTestWilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test with Confidence Interval on...
WprevSeSpWeighted prevalence inferences adjusted for sensitivity and...
wspoissonTestTest and Confidence Intervals on Weighted Sum of Poissons
wsrTestExact Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test
asht documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 5:08 p.m.