aaxis | Add a Scientific Axis to a Plot |
abox | Draw a Thick Box Around a Plot |
acb | Add a Colourbar to a Plot |
acol | Convert a named colour |
age | Age of the Universe |
age2z | Redshift of the Universe at a given age |
akde2d | Two-Dimensional Kernel Density Estimation (Astro) |
angdist | Angular Diameter Distance |
angsize | Angular Size Conversion |
aplot | Scientific X-Y Plotting |
aqbeta | Astro:Beta Distribution (quantile) |
astro | Astronomy Functions, Tools and Routines |
cardinal | Add Cardinal Points to a Plot |
cenang | Central Angle |
chicdf | The Cumulative Distribution Function for the Chi-Squared... |
chipdf | The Probability Density Function for the Chi-Squared... |
chipval | The P-Value for the Chi-Squared Distribution |
combrad | Combine Sersic Functions |
comovdist.los | Co-moving Distance (Line of Sight) |
comovdist.trans | Co-moving Distance (Transverse) |
comovvol | Co-moving Volume |
concen | Central Concentration |
convmu | Convert Between Sersic Surface Brightnesses |
convrad | Convert Between Sersic Radii |
coscalc | Calculates Cosmological Parameters |
ellipse | Calculates Ellipse Coordinates |
eta | Calculate ETA of a For-Loop |
gauss | The Gaussian Function |
get.fitskey | Get FITS Keyword Value From Header |
h2re | Scalelength to Half-Light Radius |
igamma | The Incomplete Gamma Function |
kron | Kron Function |
kronrad | Kron Radius |
label | Add A Label To A Plot |
lookback | Lookback Time |
lookback2z | Redshift at a given Lookback Time |
lumdens | Luminosity Density |
lumdist | Luminosity Distance |
nicetime | Convert Seconds into a Human Readable Time |
p2chi | The Chi-Squared Statistic for a Given P-Value |
petro | Petrosian Function |
petroindex | Petrosian Index |
petrorad | Petrosian Radius |
plotfits | Plot FITS images |
put.fitskey | Put FITS Keyword Value Into Header |
re2h | Half-Light Radius to Scalelength |
read.fits | Read FITS Files |
read.fitshdr | Read FITS Header |
read.fitsim | Read FITS Image |
read.fitskey | Read FITS Header Keyword |
read.fitstab | Read FITS Table |
scalemark | Add a Scalemark to a Plot |
schechter | The Schechter Function |
schechter.bin | Calculate Schechter Function Binned Variables |
schechter.ellipse | Calculate Error Matrices for a Schechter Function Fit |
schechter.fit | Fit to the Schechter Function |
scmean | Sigma-Clipped Mean |
sersic | Sersic Function |
shade | Adds a Shaded Region to a Figure |
shadowtext | Add Shadowed Text to a Plot |
solar | Display the Absolute Magnitude of the Sun |
strip | Strip Leading/Trailing Characters |
writeBin64 | Transfer Binary Data To a Connection |
write.fits | Write FITS Files |
write.fitshdr | Write FITS Headers |
write.fitskey | Write FITS Header Keywords |
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