Man pages for atlantistools
Process and Visualise Output from Atlantis Models

agg_dataAggregate data using dplyr functionality.
calculate_biomass_spatialCalculate spatially explicit biomass (in [t]) for each group...
calculate_consumed_biomassCalculate the consumed biomass in [t] of prey j by predator...
calculate_spatial_overlapCalculate 3d overlap of predator groups with their prey over...
change_availChange the availability matrix to simplify automated ATLANTIS...
change_prmChange biological parameterfile to simplify automated...
change_prm_cohortChange biological parameterfile for parameters which expect...
check_df_namesFunction to check the names of a dataframe.
check_growthThis function is used to check the individual growth per...
combine_agesCombine ageclasses to juvenile and adult stanza according to...
combine_groupsCombine values from different groups if specific groups only...
combine_runsThis function is used to combine model output from different...
convert_bgmTransform data from bgm-file to map dataframe.
convert_factorFunction to convert any column with information about...
convert_relative_initialCalculate relative timeseries using the initial value as...
convert_timeConvert timestep to actual time!
custom_gridUtility functions used for various plotting routines within...
extract_prmExtract values for Atlantis parameters from the biological...
flip_layersFlip layers for visualization.
get_boundaryGet boundary boxes from Atlantis box information.
get_colpalCreate discrete color palette used in plots.
get_conv_mgnbiotExtract conversion factor used to transform data from...
get_diet_fishbaseExtract reference for diet information from...
get_groupsCollection of similar functions which get specific columns...
get_growth_fishbaseExtract growth parameters from http:://
get_ids_fishbaseExtract fishbase IDs using the package "rfishbase" to...
get_maturity_fishbaseExtract maturity parameters from http:://
get_ref_fishbaseExtract the bibliographic info from
load_boxLoad the box specification file for an Atlantis scenario
load_bpsExtracts the names of the epibenthic biomasspools from the...
load_dietcheckRead in the atlantis dietcheck.txt file and perform some...
load_dietmatrixExtract the dietmatrix from the biological parameterfile
load_fgsLoad the functional group file
load_initThis function is used to read in data from the initial...
load_init_ageThis function loads weight at age data (in mgN) from the...
load_ncLoad Atlantis outputfiles (netcdf)
load_nc_physicsLoad Atlantis outputfiles (netcdf)
load_recLoad information for SSB and Recruits from an Atlantis model...
load_spec_mortLoad mortality information from outputSpecificPredMort.txt
load_txtFunction to load various txt files from Atlantis simulations
plot_add_boxLow level plotting function to add sudo confidence range to...
plot_add_polygon_overviewAdd spatial representation of polygon layout to a ggplot2...
plot_add_rangeLow level plotting function to add range of observed values...
plot_barFunction to plot relative contribution of biomass and numbers...
plot_boxesPlot layout of boxes!
plot_consumed_biomassCircle diagram to visualize the consumed biomass for the...
plot_dietPlot contribution of diet contents for each functional group.
plot_diet_bec_devPlot contribution of diet contents for each functional group.
plot_lineFunction to plot time series of atlantis ncdf output.
plot_recPlot recruitment.
plot_spatial_boxVisualize the spatial distribution per species and stanza...
plot_spatial_overlapPlot spatial overlap.
plot_spatial_tsVisualize the spatial distribution per species and stanza...
plot_speciesCreate species specific overview plot.
preprocess_txtPreprocess dataframes loaded in with 'load_txt()'
prm_to_dfExtract parameters from the biological parameter file and...
ref_bio_consConsumed biomass.
ref_bio_spSpatial biomass.
ref_numsNumbers at age data.
ref_physicsPhysical variables.
ref_resnReserve nitrogen.
ref_structnStructural nitrogen.
ref_to_bibkeyConvert reference to bib-tex-key.
ref_vol_dzVolume and dz.
scan_prmScan character vector for specific flag!
scan_reference_fishbaseScan list of references for character string for fish species
sc_initSanity check initial conditions file
str_split_twiceExtract numeric values from string.
theme_atlantisCustomized theme used in all plots.
atlantistools documentation built on Aug. 16, 2017, 9:05 a.m.