Man pages for autoReg
Automatic Linear and Logistic Regression and Survival Analysis

addFitSummaryAdd model summary to an object of class gaze
addLabelDataAdd labels to data
adjustedPlotDraw an expected plot
adjustedPlot2Draw a survfitted plot
adjustedPlot2.survregDraw predicted survival curve as a ggplot with an object...
adjustedPlot.survregDraw predicted survival curve with an object survreg
andersonRemission survival times of 42 leukemia patients
anderson1Remission survival times of 42 leukemia patients
anderson2Remission survival times of 31 leukemia patients
as_printableConvert data.frame to printable form
autoRegPerform univariable and multivariable regression and stepwise...
autoRegCoxperform automatic regression for a class of coxph
autoReg_subPerform univariable and multivariable regression and stepwise...
autoRegsurvregperform automatic regression for a class of survreg
beNumericWhether a string vector can be converted to numeric
bootPredictBootstrap simulation for model prediction
countGroupsCount groups
coxzphplotGraphical Test of Proportional Hazards
crr2statsExtract statistics from an object of class crr
crrFormulaCompeting Risk Regression with Formula
descNumMake description for numeric summary
df2flextableConvert data.frame to flextable
drawlinedraw line character
expectedPlotDraw an adjusted Plot for a numeric predictor
filldownfilldown vector with lead value
find1stDupFind first duplicated position
findDupFind duplicated term
fit2finalMake final model using stepwise backward elimination
fit2likextract likelihood information with a coxph object
fit2listMake a list of univariable model with multivariable...
fit2modelRestore fit model data containing AsIs expressions
fit2multiMake multivariable regression model by selecting univariable...
fit2newdataMake a new data of mean value or most frequent value
fit2statsSummarize statistics with a model
fit2summarySummarize statistics with a model or model list
gazeProduce table for descriptive statistics
gazeCatSummary function for categorical variable
gazeContSummary function for continuous variable
gaze.formula_subProduce table for descriptive statistics
gaze_subSummary function for categorical/continuous variable
getInteractionGet interaction data from data
getNGet number of data specified by 'name' and 'desc'
getSigVarsGet explanatory variables of a model with significance level...
ggcmprskDraw Cumulative Incidence Curves for Competing Risks
ggcmprsk2Compare cumulative incidence to th Kaplan-Meier estimate
highlight2Highlight a data.frame
imputedRegMake a multiple imputed model
is.mynumericDecide whether a vector can be treated as a numeric variable
label_parsetakes the breaks as input and returns labels as output
loglogplotDraw log-log plot
maxncharReturn maximum character number except NA
modelPlotDraw coefficients/odds ratio/hazard ratio plot
modelsSummaryMakes table summarizing list of models
modelsSummaryTableMakes flextable summarizing list of models
my.chisq.test2Statistical test for categorical variables Statistical test...
mycphSimpleFit Simple Proportional Hazards Regression Model
myformatConvert data.frame to printable format
myftConvert data.frame into flextable
mysurvregSimpleFit Simple AFT Model
my.t.test2Statistical test for continuous variables
num2factorConvert a numeric column in a data.frame to a factor
num2statSummarize numeric vector to statistical summary
OEplotDraw an Observed vs Expected plot
p2character2Change p value to string
print.autoRegS3 method print for an object of class autoReg
printdfPrint function for data.frame
print.gazeS3 method print for an object of class gaze
print.modelPlotS3 method for an class modelPlot
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
removeDupRemove duplicated term
residualNullMake a residual plot of NULL model
residualPlotDraw a residual plot with an object of class coxph
restoreDatarestore data with factor in column name
restoreData2restore data with I() in column name
restoreData3restore data with operator in column name
revOperatorget opposite arithmetic operator
roundDfConvert numeric columns of data.frame to character
setLabelAdd label to a vector
shortenShorten an object of class gaze
showEffectShow effects of covariates
strata2dfConvert a character vector to a data.frame
survfit2dfExtract survival data from an object of class "survfit"
survreg2finalMake final model using stepwise backward elimination
survreg2multiMake multivariable regression model by selecting univariable...
autoReg documentation built on Nov. 14, 2023, 9:07 a.m.