
Defines functions get_open_handles av_log_level

Documented in av_log_level

#' Logging
#' Get or set the [log level](https://www.ffmpeg.org/doxygen/4.0/group__lavu__log__constants.html).
#' @useDynLib av R_log_level
#' @family av
#' @name logging
#' @export
#' @param set new [log level](https://www.ffmpeg.org/doxygen/4.0/group__lavu__log__constants.html) value
av_log_level <- function(set = NULL){
    levels <- seq(-8, 56, 8)
    if(!(set %in% levels))
      stop("Log level must be one of: ", paste(levels, collapse = ", "))
  .Call(R_log_level, set)

#' @useDynLib av R_get_open_handles
get_open_handles <- function(){

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av documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:35 a.m.