

my_seed <- 47
my_n <- 5
my_prob <- 0.5

# ------------------------- Beta-binomial model, rat data ------------------- #

rat_res <- hef(model = "beta_binom", data = rat, n = my_n)

# No arguments: plot marginal hyperparameter (alpha, beta) posterior
check_NULL <- plot(rat_res, n = my_n, prob = my_prob)
test_that("beta_binom: no arguments gives no error", {
  testthat::expect_identical(check_NULL, NULL)

# Parameterization used for sampling from marginal hyperparameter posterior
check_NULL <- plot(rat_res, ru_scale = TRUE, n = my_n, prob = my_prob)
test_that("beta_binom: ru_scale = TRUE givens no error", {
  testthat::expect_identical(check_NULL, NULL)

# Same again, but now using params = "ru"
check_NULL <- plot(rat_res, params = "ru", n = my_n, prob = my_prob)
test_that("beta_binom: params = ru", {
  testthat::expect_identical(check_NULL, NULL)

# Check that we get an error if we try to plot pairs with only one population
check_error <- try(plot(rat_res, plot_type = "pairs"), silent = TRUE)
test_that("beta_binom: plot_type = pairs gives error if length(which_pop)=1", {
  testthat::expect_identical(class(check_error), "try-error")

# If plot_type is supplied ...

# "pairs"
check_NULL <- plot(rat_res, plot_type = "pairs", which_pop = 1:2)
test_that("beta_binom: plot_type = pairs OK when length(which_pop) > 1", {
  testthat::expect_identical(check_NULL, NULL)

# "sim"
check_NULL <- plot(rat_res, plot_type = "sim")
test_that("beta_binom: plot_type = sim OK", {
  testthat::expect_identical(check_NULL, NULL)

# "dens"
check_NULL <- plot(rat_res, plot_type = "dens", num = my_n)
test_that("beta_binom: plot_type = dens OK", {
  testthat::expect_identical(check_NULL, NULL)

# "both"
check_NULL <- plot(rat_res, plot_type = "both", num = my_n)
test_that("beta_binom: plot_type = both OK", {
  testthat::expect_identical(check_NULL, NULL)

# "dens" on one plot with legend
check_NULL <- plot(rat_res, plot_type = "dens", which_pop = c(1, 71),
                   one_plot = TRUE, add_legend = TRUE, num = my_n)
test_that("beta_binom: plot_type = dens, one plot with legend, OK", {
  testthat::expect_identical(check_NULL, NULL)

# "both" on one plot with legend should give an error
check_error <- try(plot(rat_res, plot_type = "both", which_pop = c(1, 71),
                   one_plot = TRUE, add_legend = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
test_that("beta_binom: plot_type = both, one plot with legend gives error", {
  testthat::expect_identical(class(check_error), "try-error")

# Check that a mis-spelled plot_type gives error
check_error <- try(plot(rat_res, plot_type = "simulated"), silent = TRUE)
test_that("beta_binom: error when plot_type is wrong", {
  testthat::expect_identical(class(check_error), "try-error")

# ------------------------- Pump failure data ------------------------------- #

pump_res <- hef(model = "gamma_pois", data = pump, n = my_n)

# "dens"
check_NULL <- plot(pump_res, plot_type = "dens", num = my_n)
test_that("gamma_pois: plot_type = dens OK", {
  testthat::expect_identical(check_NULL, NULL)

# params = "pop", which_pop = "all" is OK
check_NULL <- plot(pump_res, which_pop = "all", one_plot = TRUE, num = my_n)
test_that("gamma_pois: which_pop = all is OK", {
  testthat::expect_identical(check_NULL, NULL)

# params = "pop", which_pop = 1 is OK
check_NULL <- plot(pump_res, which_pop = 1, one_plot = TRUE, num = my_n)
test_that("gamma_pois: params = pop, which_pop = 1 is OK", {
  testthat::expect_identical(check_NULL, NULL)

# params = "pop", inappropriate which_pop (not in 1:10) gives error
check_error <- try(plot(pump_res, params = "pop", which_pop = 1:20,
                   one_plot = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
test_that("gamma_pois: params = pop, wrong which_pop gives error", {
  testthat::expect_identical(class(check_error), "try-error")

# ---------------- Late 21st Century Global Temperature Data ---------------- #

# Extract data for RCP2.6
RCP26_2 <- temp2[temp2$RCP == "rcp26", ]
temp_res <- hanova1(resp = RCP26_2[, 1], fac = RCP26_2[, 2], n = my_n,
                    nrep = 50)

# "dens" on one plot with legend
check_NULL <- plot(temp_res, plot_type = "dens", which_pop = c(1, 28),
                   one_plot = TRUE, add_legend = TRUE, legend_text = "l",
                   num = my_n, xlab = "x",  ylab = "y", main = "m", lty = 1,
                   col = 1)
test_that("anova1: plot_type = dens, one plot with legend, OK", {
  testthat::expect_identical(check_NULL, NULL)

# Check print.hef
check_same <- try(print(temp_res), silent = TRUE)
test_that("anova1: printing gives no error", {
  testthat::expect_identical(check_same, temp_res)

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