Man pages for bayesmix
Bayesian Mixture Models with JAGS

BMMdiagPlot identifiability diagnostics for JAGSrun object
BMMmodelCreates bugs model.
BMMposterioriPlot aposteriori probabilities of data points
BMMpriorsCreate a 'BMMpriors' object
darwinDifferences in heights between plants
fishFish length data
initsCreate initial values
JAGScallCall jags
JAGScontrolControl parameters for the sampling.
JAGSrunMCMC sampling of Bayesian models
plot.BMMposterioriPlot a posteriori probabilities of data points
plot.JAGSrunPlot JAGSrun object
priorsCreate list of prior specifications
randomPermutationRandomly permute segments for MCMC draws
SortSort MCMC chains according to certain variables
bayesmix documentation built on April 14, 2023, 12:27 a.m.