Man pages for bggAnalytics
BoardGameGeek's Board Game Data Analysis Tools

bggAnalytics-packagebggAnalytics: BoardGameGeek's Board Game Data Analysis Tools
bggAPIInterface for BoardGameGeek's XML API2
bggCollectionAPI for user collections
bggGamesAPI for Games and Things
bgg_gameurlGet BoardGameGeek URLs for games with given IDs
bgg_mergeMerge data from two bggAPI objects
bgg_namestyleDetect the namestyle of the data table
bggSearchAPI for BoardGameGeek search engine
bgg_topgamesGet IDs of top rated games on BoardGameGeek
bgg_variablesAll variables that are available for fetching through bggAPI...
custom_fetchesCustom fetching methods for non-scalar variables
dot-bgg_readurlSafely scrap HTML website
dot-bgg_urlReturn a given BoardGameGeek URL
dot-compressCompress vector into single string
dot-extend_url_by_paramsExtend given URL by class params
dot-get_varspecsGet variable specification table for a given class
dot-internal_funGet one of the internal functions from the package
dot-pluralAdd '-s' to the end of a string based on a count
dot-private_getterGetter for private slots of R6 objects
dot-process_paramsClass parameters preprocessing
dot-split_acc2listSplit according to a list
dot-xml_concatenateConcatenate XML nodesets from a list
dot-xml_expandGet all 'items' nodes from XML Nodeset
extraction_functionsExtraction functions
squeezeSqueeze integers into a single string
bggAnalytics documentation built on Aug. 31, 2022, 5:09 p.m.