
Defines functions gC.to.umolCO2 umolCO2.to.gC kg.to.mol PPFD.to.Rg Rg.to.PPFD VPD.to.q q.to.VPD q.to.e e.to.q e.to.VPD VPD.to.e e.to.rH rH.to.VPD VPD.to.rH mol.to.ms ms.to.mol ET.to.LE LE.to.ET

Documented in e.to.q e.to.rH e.to.VPD ET.to.LE gC.to.umolCO2 kg.to.mol LE.to.ET mol.to.ms ms.to.mol PPFD.to.Rg q.to.e q.to.VPD Rg.to.PPFD rH.to.VPD umolCO2.to.gC VPD.to.e VPD.to.q VPD.to.rH

## Unit Conversions ###

#' Conversion between Latent Heat Flux and Evapotranspiration
#' @description converts evaporative water flux from mass (ET=evapotranspiration)
#'              to energy (LE=latent heat flux) units, or vice versa.
#' @aliases LE.to.ET ET.to.LE
#' @param LE   Latent heat flux (W m-2)
#' @param ET   Evapotranspiration (kg m-2 s-1)
#' @param Tair Air temperature (deg C)
#' @details
#' The conversions are given by:
#' \deqn{ET = LE/\lambda}
#' \deqn{LE = \lambda ET}
#' where \eqn{\lambda} is the latent heat of vaporization (J kg-1) as calculated by
#' \code{\link{latent.heat.vaporization}}.
#' @examples
#' # LE of 200 Wm-2 and air temperature of 25degC
#' LE.to.ET(200,25)
#' @export
LE.to.ET <- function(LE,Tair){

  lambda <- latent.heat.vaporization(Tair)
  ET     <- LE/lambda


#' @rdname LE.to.ET
#' @export
ET.to.LE <- function(ET,Tair){

  lambda <- latent.heat.vaporization(Tair)
  LE     <- ET*lambda


#' Conversion between Conductance Units
#' @description Converts conductances from mass (m s-1)
#'              to molar units (mol m-2 s-1), or vice versa.
#' @aliases ms.to.mol mol.to.ms
#' @param G_ms       Conductance (m s-1)
#' @param G_mol      Conductance (mol m-2 s-1)
#' @param Tair       Air temperature (deg C)
#' @param pressure   Atmospheric pressure (kPa)
#' @param constants  Kelvin - conversion degree Celsius to Kelvin \cr
#'                   Rgas - universal gas constant (J mol-1 K-1) \cr
#'                   kPa2Pa - conversion kilopascal (kPa) to pascal (Pa)
#' @details
#' The conversions are given by:
#' \deqn{G_mol = G_ms * pressure / (Rgas * Tair)}
#' \deqn{G_ms = G_mol * (Rgas * Tair) / pressure}
#' where Tair is in Kelvin and pressure in Pa (converted from kPa internally)
#' @references Jones, H.G. 1992. Plants and microclimate: a quantitative approach to environmental plant physiology.
#'             2nd Edition., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 428 p
#' @examples
#' ms.to.mol(0.005,25,100)
#' @export
ms.to.mol <- function(G_ms,Tair,pressure,constants=bigleaf.constants()){

  Tair     <- Tair + constants$Kelvin
  pressure <- pressure * constants$kPa2Pa

  G_mol  <- G_ms * pressure / (constants$Rgas * Tair)


#' @rdname ms.to.mol
#' @export
mol.to.ms <- function(G_mol,Tair,pressure,constants=bigleaf.constants()){

  Tair     <- Tair + constants$Kelvin
  pressure <- pressure * constants$kPa2Pa

  G_ms  <- G_mol * (constants$Rgas * Tair) / (pressure)


#' Conversions between Humidity Measures
#' @description Conversion between vapor pressure (e), vapor pressure deficit (VPD),
#'              specific humidity (q), and relative humidity (rH).
#' @param Tair      Air temperature (deg C)
#' @param pressure  Atmospheric pressure (kPa)
#' @param e         Vapor pressure (kPa)
#' @param q         Specific humidity (kg kg-1)
#' @param VPD       Vapor pressure deficit (kPa)
#' @param rH        Relative humidity (-)
#' @param Esat.formula  Optional: formula to be used for the calculation of esat and the slope of esat.
#'                      One of \code{"Sonntag_1990"} (Default), \code{"Alduchov_1996"}, or \code{"Allen_1998"}.
#'                      See \code{\link{Esat.slope}}.
#' @param constants eps - ratio of the molecular weight of water vapor to dry air (-) \cr
#'                  Pa2kPa - conversion pascal (Pa) to kilopascal (kPa)
#' @family humidity conversion
#' @references Foken, T, 2008: Micrometeorology. Springer, Berlin, Germany.
#' @export
VPD.to.rH <- function(VPD,Tair,Esat.formula=c("Sonntag_1990","Alduchov_1996","Allen_1998"),

  esat <- Esat.slope(Tair,Esat.formula,constants)[,"Esat"]
  rH   <- 1 - VPD/esat

#' @rdname VPD.to.rH
#' @family humidity conversion
#' @export
rH.to.VPD <- function(rH,Tair,Esat.formula=c("Sonntag_1990","Alduchov_1996","Allen_1998"),

  if(any(rH > 1 & !is.na(rH))){
    warning("relative humidity (rH) has to be between 0 and 1.")
  esat <- Esat.slope(Tair,Esat.formula,constants)[,"Esat"]
  VPD  <- esat - rH*esat

#' @rdname VPD.to.rH
#' @family humidity conversion
#' @export
e.to.rH <- function(e,Tair,Esat.formula=c("Sonntag_1990","Alduchov_1996","Allen_1998"),
  esat <- Esat.slope(Tair,Esat.formula,constants)[,"Esat"]
  if (any(e > esat + .Machine$double.eps^0.5 & !is.na(e))){
    warning("Provided vapour pressure that was higher than saturation.
             Returning rH=1 for those cases.")
  rH  <- pmin(1, e/esat)

#' @rdname VPD.to.rH
#' @family humidity conversion
#' @export
VPD.to.e <- function(VPD,Tair,Esat.formula=c("Sonntag_1990","Alduchov_1996","Allen_1998"),

  esat <- Esat.slope(Tair,Esat.formula,constants)[,"Esat"]
  e    <- esat - VPD

#' @rdname VPD.to.rH
#' @family humidity conversion
#' @export
e.to.VPD <- function(e,Tair,Esat.formula=c("Sonntag_1990","Alduchov_1996","Allen_1998"),

  esat <- Esat.slope(Tair,Esat.formula,constants)[,"Esat"]
  VPD  <- esat - e

#' @rdname VPD.to.rH
#' @family humidity conversion
#' @export
e.to.q <- function(e,pressure,constants=bigleaf.constants()){
  q <- constants$eps * e / (pressure - (1-constants$eps) * e)

#' @rdname VPD.to.rH
#' @family humidity conversion
#' @export
q.to.e <- function(q,pressure,constants=bigleaf.constants()){
  e <- q * pressure / ((1-constants$eps) * q + constants$eps)

#' @rdname VPD.to.rH
#' @family humidity conversion
#' @export
q.to.VPD <- function(q,Tair,pressure,Esat.formula=c("Sonntag_1990","Alduchov_1996","Allen_1998"),

  esat <- Esat.slope(Tair,Esat.formula,constants)[,"Esat"]
  e    <- q.to.e(q,pressure,constants)
  VPD  <- esat - e

#' @rdname VPD.to.rH
#' @family humidity conversion
#' @export
VPD.to.q <- function(VPD,Tair,pressure,Esat.formula=c("Sonntag_1990","Alduchov_1996","Allen_1998"),

  esat <- Esat.slope(Tair,Esat.formula,constants)[,"Esat"]
  e    <- esat - VPD
  q    <- e.to.q(e,pressure,constants)

#' Conversions between Global Radiation and Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density
#' @description Converts radiation from W m-2 to umol m-2 s-1 and vice versa.
#' @param Rg       Global radiation = incoming short-wave radiation at the surface (W m-2)
#' @param PPFD     Photosynthetic photon flux density (umol m-2 s-1)
#' @param J_to_mol Conversion factor from J m-2 s-1 (= W m-2) to umol (quanta) m-2 s-1
#' @param frac_PAR Fraction of incoming solar irradiance that is photosynthetically
#'                 active radiation (PAR); defaults to 0.5
#' @details
#' The conversion is given by:
#'  \deqn{PPFD = Rg * frac_PAR * J_to_mol}
#' by default, the combined conversion factor (\code{frac_PAR * J_to_mol}) is 2.3
#' @examples
#' # convert a measured incoming short-wave radiation of 500 Wm-2 to
#' # PPFD in umol m-2 s-1 and backwards
#' Rg.to.PPFD(500)
#' PPFD.to.Rg(1150)
#' @export
Rg.to.PPFD <- function(Rg,J_to_mol=4.6,frac_PAR=0.5){
  PPFD <- Rg * frac_PAR * J_to_mol

#' @rdname Rg.to.PPFD
#' @export
PPFD.to.Rg <- function(PPFD,J_to_mol=4.6,frac_PAR=0.5){
  Rg <- PPFD / frac_PAR / J_to_mol

#' Conversion between Mass and Molar Units
#' @description Converts mass units of a substance to the corresponding molar units
#'              and vice versa.
#' @param mass      Numeric vector of mass in kg
#' @param molarMass Numeric vector of molar mass of the substance (kg mol-1)
#'                  e.g. as provided by \code{\link{bigleaf.constants}}()$H2Omol
#'                  Default is molar mass of Water.
#' @return Numeric vector of amount of substance in mol.
#' @export
kg.to.mol <- function(mass, molarMass=bigleaf.constants()$H2Omol){
  moles <- mass / molarMass


#' Conversion between Mass and Molar Units of Carbon and CO2
#' @description Converts CO2 quantities from umol CO2 m-2 s-1 to g C m-2 d-1 and vice versa.
#' @param CO2_flux  CO2 flux (umol CO2 m-2 s-1)
#' @param C_flux    Carbon (C) flux (gC m-2 d-1)
#' @param constants Cmol - molar mass of carbon (kg mol-1) \cr
#'                  umol2mol - conversion micromole (umol) to mol (mol) \cr
#'                  mol2umol - conversion mole (mol) to micromole (umol)  \cr
#'                  kg2g - conversion kilogram (kg) to gram (g) \cr
#'                  g2kg - conversion gram (g) to kilogram (kg) \cr
#'                  days2seconds - seconds per day
#' @examples
#' umolCO2.to.gC(20)  # gC m-2 d-1
#' @export
umolCO2.to.gC <- function(CO2_flux,constants=bigleaf.constants()){

  C_flux <- CO2_flux * constants$umol2mol * constants$Cmol * constants$kg2g * constants$days2seconds


#' @rdname umolCO2.to.gC
#' @export
gC.to.umolCO2 <- function(C_flux,constants=bigleaf.constants()){

  CO2_flux <- (C_flux * constants$g2kg / constants$days2seconds) / constants$Cmol * constants$mol2umol


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